Tag Archives: health

Episode 362: Latest Coronavirus Update with Dr. Daller

Always bring you the most updated Coronavirus Information. Dr Daller and his team announced today they will remain open and assist with all your medical need helping to alleviate emergency room visits . Call him today 239-277-5770 if you need any medical attention! Meir Daller #naplescaptainslog

Address:14320 Metropolis Ave. Suite 1
Fort Myers, FL 33912

Website: http://floridagulfstreamurology.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meir.daller

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dallermd/


Episode 360: Coronavirus Update! Be Aware & Be Safe!

5 weeks later the original podcast information regarding the Coronavirus is now coming to fruition. Here is an update and what you can do today. I want to thank Dr. Daller for helping spread the word and always keeping us in the best health!

Watch Full Video Here On YouTube —————–>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CmZTg0WqwE

Show Dr. Daller Some Love and Give Him a Follow:

Website: http://floridagulfstreamurology.com/dr-meir-daller-urology-fort-myers/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meir.daller

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dallermd/?hl=en


Episode 359: Cycling Through Life With Z!

Zaneta Trapp is our very special guest today on the #captainslog! Learn about who she is and some good advice on always staying true to who you are! Even if that means leaving trails of glitter everywhere you go!

Watch Full Video Here On YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEeMZMe9UHc&feature=youtu.be 

Show Z Some Love and Give Her A Follow:

Website: https://www.cyclebar.com/location/naples

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cyclestar_zaneta/?hl=en


Episode 355: Food Label Business is a Racket!

What’s really in your food? Do you read the labels & ingredients? Tune in to the #captainslog and get some helpful advice on what your really putting in your body!

Watch Full Video Here On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vYMa65a_30

Show Dr. Daller Some Love:

Website: http://floridagulfstreamurology.com/dr-meir-daller-urology-fort-myers/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meir.daller

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dallermd/?hl=en

Episode 353: What Every Woman Needs To Know!

Today Dr. Mel Irvine joins us on the #captains log and explains the importance of hormone treatment. She also goes into detail for woman that have questions. Tune in because we may have the answers!

Click Here To Watch the Full Video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1BBETkH2dQ&feature=youtu.be

Follow Dr. Mel and Stay Up To Date:

Website: http://floridagulfstreamurology.com/melissa-mel-irvine-arnp/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mel.irvine1



Episode 349: Don’t Be A Weirdo, Find Your Libido!

Dr. Daller explains how working out will drastically impove the male and female sex drive. Actually he offers one special trick to gaurantee you will be better in bed! Tune in and find out more!


Watch Full Video On YouTube ————–> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7kYhG_cCxk


Show Dr. Daller Some Love:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meir.daller

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dallermd/

Website: http://floridagulfstreamurology.com/



Episode 329: Understanding a Woman’s Body with Dr. Mel

Dr. Mel enlightens us on the side effects of the birth control pill. She has seen an increasing rate of issues with the pill. Here’s some great information for what the woman’s body goes through and how it reacts to it. It also may answer a couple questions you have!

Watch this video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjeOMnHZgkU&t=1s


Episode 316: How to Tell if Your Partner is Cheating with Dr. Daller!

On this episode of The Captain’s Log, Dr. Daller and Captain Brien break it down and list all the signs your partner may be showing if they are cheating on you!

Siri can now help you listen to your favorite podcasts! Say things like “play The Captains Log” or “play my newest podcasts.” You can also ask Siri about the podcast that is currently playing and request to be subscribed! Just tell Siri “subscribe to this show!”

Watch Full Video —————> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRfLw7uuQvg&feature=youtu.be


Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #naplescaptainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free and Gluten Free Vodka, Barrel Aged Dark Rum, White Rum, and Gin!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meir.daller?fref=search&__tn__=%2Cd%3C-R&eid=ARAXujuYQk4oteLJw2XdE_sgqUy66Dlf8OAWmGrl8hVyrwgu8o7TUYMhCoUaVWf5zLjVw1y15X7iXxWv

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dallermd/?hl=en

Website: http://floridagulfstreamurology.com/dr-meir-daller-urology-fort-myers/ 



    • Your S.O. suddenly starts exercising and eating healthier
    • They begin wearing new/different/nicer clothing
    • They start wearing new/different perfume/cologne
    • They become preoccupied with how their body looks, or how well-kept their body hair is
    • Overall grooming habits have changed
    • Cheaters tend to use their phones & computers more frequently than before & guard them as if their lives depend on it
    • Your partner’s phone and/or computer now has a password on it, or the password has changed
    • They suddenly start deleting texts and clearing their browsing history
    • They secretly bring their phone to the bathroom
    • They flat out refuse to let you view their phone when asked
    • There is considerably less intimacy or connection in your relationship
    • Your sex life is practically non-existent OR there are a lot of new things being introduced into your sex life
    • You learn that you have an STD but have never strayed
    • The words “I love you” are not spoken any longer
    • You can’t even get your mate to communicate or even fight with you
    • Avoidance / deflection
      • your partner avoids confrontation at all costs (especially when asked about cheating)
      • He/she doesn’t want to go anywhere or do anything with you anymore
      • They seem more secretive than usual
    • New lingo (that they may have picked up from their other lover)
    • Your partner is hostile toward you and your relationship (because they are projecting their own fears and insecurities on you)
    • They suddenly become lazy, especially around the house
    • They don’t show any jealousy about you no matter what you do or say
    • You notice they have been lying to you about even the simplest things
    • They get unusually defensive if you mention infidelity or affairs
    • Their friends are being weird
    • They pick up a new hobby that requires a few hours of commitment each day
    • They are working longer hours at work
    • There are prolonged periods of time where your significant other is unreachable
    • There are odd charges on your partner’s credit cards
    • There is suddenly less money in your or your partner’s bank account(s)
    • You see large cash withdrawals or evidence of purchases from places you rarely or never go
    • Money becomes more of an issue between the two of you


  • Make a pros and cons list
    • While this may seem trivial, it’ll help you view things through a new perspective
  • Seek out supportive friends
    • Finding people in your life that are supportive and willing to give you advice is an important and mature action to take
    • This will reduce the risk of you isolating yourself and suffering in silence
  • Write down everything you’re thinking
    • While this may sound unnecessary, putting everything down on paper can help organize your thoughts and help you better understand exactly what you want to do and say when you talk to your partner
    • If you confront your partner, it’s a good idea to establish beforehand what you want them to know and what you want to know from them – especially if you are the type of person who lets your emotions get the best of you
      • when our body is flooded with adrenaline for example, we lose the ability to use some of the more complex thinking skills as our body goes into survival mode, thus reducing our thinking capacity. There’s nothing wrong in taking a list with you – it’s 100% normal for our thinking to be affected when we are managing intense emotions!
    • Let your partner know you want to talk
      • There may never be the “perfect” time to confront someone you love about their possible infidelity; however, you need to be explicit about wanting to talk because waiting for the right moment is just an avoidance strategy
    • Have “the” conversation in a supportive, safe environment
      • Confronting your partner about your suspicious that they’re cheating is a VERY intense and uncomfortable thing to do. For this reason, you should make sure you and your partner feel safe when having such a difficult conversation
      • Think of somewhere you would both feel safe so that your energies can go into communicating, feeling and being. You may feel comfort in a busy place because your partner is less likely to have an out-burst, or you may want somewhere private and quiet to help you focus


  • DO NOT snoop his/her social media accounts
    • Hacking into someone’s accounts is a total violation of privacy. And it’s illegal!
    • Besides, if you do find some dirt, you’d have to disclose how you found it – which will possibly further ruin the relationship as well as a friendship
  • DO NOT read through his phone records
    • If you are having concerns, be mature enough to talk with him about the specific behavior(s) that are causing you to doubt his/her integrity. If you still can’t trust them, don’t date them!
  • DO NOT bottle up your feelings
    • Keeping your thoughts to yourself can be one of the worst things to do if you have suspicious
      • Whether it’s a friend, family member, or even a mental health professional, it’s important to talk to someone about how you’re feeling
    • What happens when we do this, is that we ask the questions AND answer the questions ourselves; both the question and answer we provide are massively influenced by the fear or suspicious – so there can only be one outcome. You think cheating, you confirm cheating. If you isolate yourself with this, it can manifest into other things causing you inability to enjoy your relationship because you’re always emotionally on-guard
  • DO NOT seek support from people who participate in unhealthy relationships
    • Although we want to seek the advice to those closest to us, sometimes those people aren’t the right ones to reach out to. Seeking support from those who participate in unhealthy relationships or communication styles will not help you react appropriately, even if they will reassure you and make you feel better
  • DO NOT confront your partner while under the influence
    • Liquid courage isn’t always a good thing. Confronting your partner about your cheating suspicious while drunk will not be a productive conversation for either of you, and might even lead to someone saying something they can’t take back
    • Whilst in the drunken moment, this can seem like a genius idea, but we lose the ability to stay grounded and to have fluid thought process. Our ability to emotionally regulate ourselves takes a huge turn which means the conversation also may take a whole new direction that you never meant to happen in the first place


It is vital not to jump to conclusions as it can jeopardize a valuable relationship over what may be unfounded anxieties. Whether you are right about the cheating or not, the important thing is that you make the effort to talk to your partner about how things are going and what they are thinking so that you are always on the same page. Things might not always be perfect, but they can be strong.

Episode 301: Fellas We Pulled The Curtain On Pure Romance!

On this episode of the #captainslog we get to know the truth with what the Ladies night out is all about! Our guest are two Pure Romance Consultants with plenty of experience! This is not an easy job and it’s also not for everyone, but these ladies make it sound fun and easy!

Siri can now help you listen to your favorite podcasts! Say things like “play The Captains Log” or “play my newest podcasts.” You can also ask Siri about the podcast that is currently playing and request to be subscribed! Just tell Siri “subscribe to this show!”

Watch Full Video —————> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxRT2Y38zZI

Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #naplescaptainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free and Gluten Free Vodka, Barrel Aged Dark Rum, White Rum, and Gin!

Book Your Next Event Ladies!

Episode 294: Mom that’s not a healthy school lunch!

On this episode of the #captainslog Dr. Daller is helping us pack lunch! School is back and it’s its time to mark sure we are starting the school year with good nutrition! Dr. Daller is going to explain all the foods you shouldn’t start the day with and what you should leave out the lunchbox!
Watch the full video here ————->https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8X1-bW9BQQ&feature=youtu.be
Siri can now help you listen to your favorite podcasts! Say things like “play The Captains Log” or “play my newest podcasts.” You can also ask Siri about the podcast that is currently playing and request to be subscribed! Just tell Siri “subscribe to this show!”

Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #naplescaptainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free and Gluten Free Vodka, Barrel Aged Dark Rum, White Rum, and Gin!