Category Archives: Doctor Shows

Episode 221 The Captain’s Log with Dr. Daller & Captain Brien!

Dr. Daller is back again with Captain Brien to tell us all about the benefits of drinking Apple Cider Vinegar!

Dr. Daller will be joining Captain Brien EVERY Tuesday at 2:30 on the Captains Log to answer any questions you may have! Make sure you tune in and comment with your questions!

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The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free Vodka and Barrel Aged Dark Rum both are gluten free also!

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Miss something on one of our episodes of the #naplescaptainslog? Don’t worry we got you covered! Here you will find a full transcript from this episode of the #naplescaptainslog!

Captain Brien: Welcome back to Captain’s Log, Dr. Doller again, again.

Dr. Daller: Captain, how you doin’, buddy?

Captain Brien: Every Tuesday.

Dr. Daller: Loving it.

Captain Brien: I wanna learn about the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. This is a big thing, right, it’s a big topic.

Dr. Daller: It’s huge. So, apple cider vinegar, if you Google apple cider vinegar, you’re going to see tens of thousands of inputs from different people, from scientists. You know, apple cider vinegar, Captain Brien, has been around for 3500 years. This is not something that was just invented. And there’s not too much scientific evidence because it’s cheap, you know, a bottle of apple cider vinegar, even if you buy it–

Captain Brien: But is it a fad?

Dr. Daller: No, it’s not a fad. Again, it cannot be a fad for 3500 years. A fad is something that has been around for, you know, six months, in six months gonna go away. This has been around from Roman times, from Biblical time.

Captain Brien: And you told me, I keep interrupting, but you told me about the mothers, it’s gotta be the one with the mothers, yes?

Dr. Daller: That’s the one I use, because I believe in organic, I believe in unpasteurized, I believe that it’s not filtered, so the one with the mother, it’s, again, it’s unfiltered, it has, what’s the mother? The mother is all the remnants. The mother is what you call, you heard about probiotics? There is something called prebiotics. Probiotics are the microbes that you’re going to ingest every morning that you’re going to take. They are found in yogurt and other things. Prebiotics is what this microbe needs to grow, so that mother, that stuff, it’s like, just think about like a Petri dish to grow those microbes in your gut. So, and again, I like the fact that it’s unfiltered as well. So, I spend another dollar. It’s overall cheap, four bucks, you guy it and it lasts you for a year. You don’t need to refrigerate apple cider vinegar, and it’s fantastic. Again, the test of time is probably the best test in life, the best test in medicine for sure, because, for example, if I have a lesion on my arm here and I go to the dermatologist and he tells me, hey Doc, you know, I want to remove it, this doesn’t look like. I said, buddy, I had it for 30 years this has been around, so the fact that it had been around for 30 years, most likely it’s not deadly.

Captain Brien: You’re gonna make it.

Dr. Daller: I’m going to make it. So, the same with apple cider vinegar. The fact that it has been treated with patients, after patients, after patients, and people believe in that, and it’s working. So, there is some science behind this. There’s Japanese scientists, there’s American scientists that have done apple cider vinegar. So, today we’ll talk a little bit about the science, and we’ll talk about how to take it. Let’s start by how to take apple cider vinegar. What do I do? I do, and again, that’s what I like about your podcast. The podcast gives the tools to people to live healthy, the tools for people to laugh, the tools for people to enjoy life, because, after all, this is a short business, it’s all temporary business.

Captain Brien: That’s right, it’s 100 years or less expiration date.

Dr. Daller: 100 years, from your mouth to God’s ears, please. 100 years, I mean, we would love 100 years. That would be fantastic. But you give them the tools, Captain Brien, to really enjoy life, to have a healthy life, to see less doctors. It’s bad for my business, but overall, it’s good when I see patients that are healthy, they are in good shape, and everything else. So, what do I do? I take a six to eight ounce glass of water, I put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. I use Bragg’s brand, but it can be any brand, and I mix it, and I drink it in the morning.

Captain Brien: Straight?

Dr. Daller: Straight.

Captain Brien: Do you put ice water or water?

Dr. Daller: Just, I put cold water, but no, not right out of the tap. So, it’s refrigerated water, just because it’s easier for me to drink it.

Captain Brien: Do you shoot it in one shot, because I did it for about a week, and I don’t know if it helped or not, but for some reason, I just got sidetracked and forgot about it, and now I look at the damn apple cider vinegar every day on my counter and I say, why am I not doing it?

Dr. Daller: And what happened to you happens to everybody. Everybody is very good for one week. They’re very good for one week going to the gym, they’re very good about eating healthy, you know, fruits and vegetables for one week, and then they fall off the wagon. So, the key here is getting to be persistent. You cannot see results if you do something for a week. You have to be persistent, and it’s sustainable, it’s easy. So, because the last episode, we talked about, you know, the intermittent fasting, because I intermittent fast, and I don’t have breakfast, so, what I do, I do it in the morning and I do it at night before I go to bed, and that does suppress my appetite, and that’s something really, really important. So, apple cider vinegar will make you feel like you’re full, make you feel like what we call satiety. You feel like, you know, I’m not that hungry, and so–

Captain Brien: What if you take it on an empty stomach? You don’t feel like it’s gonna go right out?

Dr. Daller: No, not at all.

Captain Brien: I think maybe you’re a pro.

Dr. Daller: I’m like a professional.

Captain Brien: Your stomach’s like a vise.

Dr. Daller: Not at all, it’s very good. Your stomach acidity is about two, so apple cider vinegar, the acidity of apple cider vinegar is 2.5, the pH. So just think about, the lower the pH, the more acidic things are. Your car battery, the acidity of a car battery is one, so the acidity in your stomach, your stomach is quite acidic, and apple cider vinegar, counterintuitively, apple cider vinegar for patients that have what you call gerd or reflux disease, it does help them. The acidity does help to solve that–

Captain Brien: So when they say, what about this thing that they say, everyone wants to drink alkaline water? Oh, I gotta have alkaline water, a specialty.

Dr. Daller:Right, so, there’s no science behind that, and I do hear that.

Captain Brien: It’s a bunch of bull?

Captain Brien: No, I didn’t say that. So, there is a difference between there is no science behind it and it’s a bunch of bull. So, there’s science behind stuff, it’s something that was researched, something that, you know–

Captain Brien: Clinically proven.

Dr. Daller: Clinically proven. A bunch of bull is saying, you know what, it’s clinically proven that it’s bull, you understand? So, you have to do the research to find that it’s bull. Some patients say, you know what, I benefit from alkaline water. I say, you know what, if you’re benefiting, do it. I don’t see any harm.

Captain Brien: I had somebody telling me that they have to drink alkaline water ’cause they’re on a special diet.

Dr. Daller: Again, I don’t know–

Captain Brien: Is there such a thing?

Dr. Daller: So, there is no diet–

Captain Brien: I think they just needed to drink their own water at the club.

Dr. Daller: And you know what, they spend another dollar, you buy it–

Captain Brien: Yeah, they just didn’t wanna spend $3 on a bottle of water.

Captain Brien: So right, they wanted to have their own water.

Dr. Daller: Correct.

Dr. Daller: And people do that at the airports, and do that in the hotel, and they say, oh, I want kosher water. What is kosher water? Every water’s kosher, you know? I want certain things, or I’m allergic to this.

Captain Brien: Onions, I’m allergic to onions.

Dr. Daller: I want to bring my own food to the restaurant. I mean, that’s a trick we did in college, but right now, we can’t do that anymore. It’s not cool, it’s not cool, right, to do that. So, let’s go back to apple cider vinegar. So, apple cider vinegar will make you feel like you are full. So, as a result of that, so, studies show that you are going to take 300 calories less a day if you take apple cider vinegar.

Captain Brien: Really?

Dr. Daller: So, just by that, it’s not a lot, just think, but it’s something, it adds up.

Captain Brien: It’s something.

Dr. Daller: It adds up. So, that’s why one–

Captain Brien: That’s 2100 calories a week.

Dr. Daller: Correct, so that’s why one week is not enough, so if you do it over here, you feel like, wow, I already ate less. Okay, so that’s one thing. The second thing is, it’s going to improve your metabolism, your overall metabolism is going to increase. By how much, we don’t know because, again, there is no research about it.

Captain Brien: Why has nobody tested this?

Dr. Daller: Because, I’ll tell you why, because there is no money here.

Captain Brien: Randy, how come no one’s tested it? Len, get out there, start testing it. Daniel, hey guys. They’re not watching.

Dr. Daller: Again, a bottle of apple cider vinegar is five bucks. This is not Big Pharma, there’s no Merck and Pfizer behind this, so there’s no money.

Captain Brien: Right, so Greg could get out there and do some damn clinical tests!

Dr. Daller: But even if they do–

Captain Brien: Then make all the money.

Dr. Daller: They will still sell it for five bucks a bottle, and that bottle lasts for a year, so it’s no, there is no huge business here. It’s not like a bottle of wine, you know, you sell for 20 bucks, you drink it that night. You cannot drink an apple cider vinegar, the whole bottle, one night. I mean, that would be a disaster if you do that, so that’s not good. So that’s why, there’s no money involved here, and as a result of that, I mean, people are not doing research. Also, the industries supported by pharmaceutical companies, they want money, they’re in the money business. And, you know, Captain Brien and I, we give you information as they are. I mean, there’s no, this is uncensored–

Captain Brien: Yeah, they’re not sponsoring this podcast.

Dr. Daller: No, they are not sponsoring.

Captain Brien: Although we are available.

Dr. Daller: If they want to call us, you know, we are willing to negotiate something with them. But, again, so it’s going to improve your metabolism, it’s going to increase your feeling full, it’s going to help you with calcium absorption. That’s very important for patients that have osteopetrosis, and if you want not to develop osteopetrosis, it’s going to help with calcium absorption in your body, but most importantly, for patients with type II diabetes, or patients with what we call pre-diabetes, patients that you know are going to develop diabetes, they have already some of the signs, they have certain levels of AIC that is going up, and things like that, certain labs that are abnormal. That’s going to help you with insulin regulation. So, and there are several studies about apple cider vinegar helping with the insulin receptor for the sugar.

Captain Brien: So, what happens if you just take a spoonful, ’cause some people do it that way, right? They don’t water it down.

Dr. Daller: Nothing wrong with that. I like watering it down because I want to protect my teeth, and I think that it’s very harsh on the enamel.

Captain Brien: Oh.

Dr. Daller: So, I don’t want to take it as a, but you can put it in your salad, mix it in your salad like this, so you don’t have it all at once.

Captain Brien: So, if you drink it through a straw?

Dr. Daller: Captain Brien always thinks about, you know, he’s so innovative. And you can do that, but again, I like it diluted because it’s nice on my esophagus also. The esophagus is the tube that goes all the way to the stomach. I don’t want to be too harsh on that. When it reaches the stomach, the environment there is such that it’s no big deal.

Captain Brien: And do you shoot it in one shot or do you drink it slow? Does it matter?

Dr. Daller: It doesn’t matter. It takes me two gulps to finish it completely. And you know, I cannot tell you, wow, it’s delicious. It’s not delicious.

Captain Brien: It’s not delicious.

Dr. Daller: It doesn’t taste great, but you know what, and I cannot tell you it’s acquired because I have been doing this for a while and I’ve not acquired it yet.

Captain Brien: Right, exactly. Yeah, after the week long torture I still did it, but it was not pleasantly exciting.

Dr. Daller: So, one more item that is very, very important about apple cider vinegar, before we go to esoteric things of apple cider vinegar. So, when you are taking apple cider vinegar, and let’s say you have half a bagel with that, so you have apple cider vinegar, and then you take half a bagel, and the bagel with the starch and all the stuff that’s in bagels, or you take whatever starchy food, so apple cider vinegar will prevent the enzymes that are in your stomach to digest starch, and that’s very good.

Captain Brien: So does that mean it comes out quicker?

Dr. Daller: No, it will come out as is without being digested, and that’s what we like. Why do we like cauliflower and stuff like that? Because your body, it’s very difficult for you to digest.

Captain Brien: Kale.

Dr. Daller: Kale, right, all these vegetables are difficult to digest. As a result, they come out, all the fibers. Here, with starch, the enzymes that digest starch, the apple cider vinegar is going to inhibit those enzymes. As a result of that, you’re not going to digest the starch, and it’s going to come out, and you’re not going to absorb the starch. Now, Captain Brien, I know what you’re going to do. Right now, you’re going to buy a dozen bagels and a little bit of apple cider vinegar and have them. That won’t work. Why is that? Because it’s true in the stomach it’s not going to digest it, but if you have a huge load of starch, that will go to the stomach–

Captain Brien: Get absorbed.

Dr. Daller: No, it’s going to go into your small intestine, and in your small intestine and in your colon, you’re going to have, that’s going to be fermented. All the starch is going to be fermented, and then you’re going to have absorption of that, and you’re going to get that sugar high, which is not good. So don’t buy the dozen bagels.

Captain Brien: Yeah, don’t do that. Just in moderation, it’s not the cure from it all. It’s not like if you take a spoonful of apple cider vinegar, you can go out and eat prime rib every night. It’s just gonna help a little bit.

Dr. Daller: That’s correct.

Captain Brien: But it’s got great benefits, positive benefits. And Randy wants to know, what is the mothers? We started this conversation where Dr. Daller did explain what the mother is, but go ahead and quickly tell him.

Dr. Daller: So, the mother is all the remnants, all the things that are what I call prebiotics. Not probiotics, prebiotics. These are the things that you need for things to ferment. So, these are what you call, in a non-medical term, schmutz. The schmutz is all the dirt, and that dirt is very important.

Dr. Daller: That’s what grows the enzymes, correct?

Dr. Daller: That’s correct, that’s where everything can grow. The probiotics grows on prebiotics, so that’s important. So, Captain Brien is absolutely right. Apple cider vinegar by itself, if you go and have donuts right now and have apple cider, it will never work. It works if you listen to Captain Brien’s podcast, and you listen to us every Tuesday, and you’re going to do intermittent fasting, and you’re going to eat healthy, and you’re going to take care of yourself, and you’re going to exercise, and you’re going to do yoga, and you’re going to meditate, and you’re not going to watch the news, and you’re going to go to the comedy club, and you’re going to laugh, and you’re going to laugh because laughter–

Captain Brien: When you drink vodka and alcohol it better be sugar-free, gluten-free.

Dr. Daller: Captain Brien, and then on Sundays, you have the good bloody Mary because the vegetables, and the fruits, and everything else here, so absolutely, enjoy life to the fullest, absolutely. We are not discouraging people from enjoying life. We encourage people to enjoy life, very, very important. But again, organic food is important, and healthy food is important, and fruit and vegetables are important. These are all important elements that, all together, they’re going to help your life and prevent you from seeing me or seeing any doctor.

Captain Brien: So, I had a question someone DMed me on the intermittent fasting that we did last week. So, the person was questioning that, if they don’t make it for 16 hours, which is the optimum time, what if they only fast for 11 hours? Is there still a positive benefit from that, where they were hungry, and then they broke the hunger after 11 hours, and they didn’t get into 12, to 16 hours. Is it still okay for them, or is just not doing anything good for them?

Dr. Daller: No, no, it’s better than nothing, it’s better than nothing. So, ideally they’re going to go for 16 hours slowly. But if they can only do 10 hours, which is two hours after they sleep for seven, eight hours, and then two extra hours they don’t right away and immediately, oh, I need my, whatever they eat, McDonald’s, McMuffins, one of these McMuffins right away. What do you have at McDonald’s?

Captain Brien: I guess it could be a McMuffin. I don’t eat McDonald’s.

Dr. Daller: McMuffin, or one of these McMorning sandwiches.

Captain Brien: But I do like Dunkin Donuts, that’s my favorite.

Dr. Daller: Sure, so if they don’t do it right away, that helps. But again, if you want to have the best benefits, the longer you are fasting, the better off it is for your brain, the better off it is for your body, the better off it is to lose that belly fat.

Captain Brien: So, if they did 12 hours, that’s great, it’s still positive benefit.

Dr. Daller: Yes.

Captain Brien: Okay, so that’s the answer to that one. Hi, Cindy, I have people messaging me. What’s going on? Hey, Heidi, how are you? We’re live on The Captain’s Log, this is the podcast. You guys can always download the podcast on Stitcher, iTunes, SoundCloud, we’re on Spotify, you could go to Google apps and download it on your favorite podcast app. Anyway, we’re also on YouTube, so don’t forget, if you like it, share it, tell your friends, and say hello. You can always DM questions to myself or Dr. Daller. You can find us both on Facebook and Instagram, or even Twitter, and say hello.

Dr. Daller: Let’s see, what else? Some esoteric things about apple cider vinegar. So, being a captain, you are in the sea, you’re swimming, and all of a sudden, a jellyfish stung you. The best cure for jellyfish stinging is?

Captain Brien: Yeah, an acid.

Dr. Daller: Acid, correct, so apple cider vinegar.

Captain Brien: Or you could pee on it.

Dr. Daller: Or you can pee on it, right.

Captain Brien: Because your pee is acidic, but not as much.

Dr. Daller: Correct, not as much, not as acidic. Your pH in your urine is between five and a half and seven, six and a half, so it’s acidic, but not very acidic. But apple cider vinegar, if you have apple cider vinegar, absolutely, it will help the stinging.

Captain Brien: If you take a lot of apple cider vinegar, will it make your pee more acidic?

Dr. Daller: It would, so it will change your pH, but again, with apple cider vinegar, more is not better, so I really encourage people to do it not more than three, I do it twice a day, but no more than three times a day, because–

Captain Brien: So, in the morning.

Dr. Daller: In the morning, you can do it just before lunch. For example, if you really want to lose weight, just before, maybe 10, 15 minutes before lunch, have another glass of apple cider vinegar, you are going to, again, you are not going to feel like you want to eat anything.

Captain Brien: Especially after you taste it.

Dr. Daller: After you taste it, you will feel like you want to puke. But no, it’s not that bad, really. For those who didn’t try it, some people put a little bit of lemon, some people put honey. I don’t like to put honey on it because I don’t need that extra sugar, extra calories there, but I take it straight with water.

Captain Brien: I’m gonna try the Bragg’s, they have a, they have one that already has the honey and lemon. Has anyone tried that, have you tried it?

Dr. Daller: No, I never tried it, you know–

Captain Brien: Does that kill the effects of the live probiotic, or no?

Dr. Daller: No, it does not. No, apple cider vinegar, if you look, there is no expiration date on apple cider vinegar.

Captain Brien: But even when you mix it with, like, lemon?

Dr. Daller: When you mix it with honey and stuff like that, I’m sure there is. I mean, honey is a, is problematic. But when you look at apple cider vinegar, apple cider vinegar can live with no refrigerator for thousands of years. You know, when you find wine from 1000 years ago, it’s vinegar essentially. So, you know, apple cider vinegar does not expire. It doesn’t go bad at all.

Captain Brien: So, overall, you’re a big fan, you suggest that everyone does it.

Dr. Daller: I’m a big fan of overall healthy living, so I’m not a big fan of one thing, I’m a big fan of many, many things. I don’t believe in one thing, I believe in–

Captain Brien: You like a combination.

Dr. Daller: Right, you do have to go to the gym, and you do have to exercise, and you do have to meditate, and you do have to do a little bit of yoga, and you do have to eat responsibly and healthy in small portions, and you do have to laugh and enjoy life, and you have to, you know, celebrate every day. And you know, I do believe in thanking God every single morning. I thank God for everything that I have, I thank God for my health, I thank God for being alive. Extremely important.

Captain Brien: What’s Bragg’s amino acid they sell good for?

Dr. Daller: Yeah, so amino acids, so, the apple cider vinegar really does not have any nutritional factor. For example, if you look at apple cider vinegar, the back, there is no amino acids there, there’s nothing there. Apple cider vinegar is really, in a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, there are only three calories. It’s nothing. It does count as anything, and it doesn’t have any vitamins or anything like that. I did see in the supermarket the Bragg’s amino acid. I’m not a big fan.

Captain Brien: No, just stick with the natural?

Dr. Daller: Keep it simple, you know, you want amino acid, a very good source of amino acids are proteins, okay? So that’s how you can get your amino acid, get your proteins. What are proteins? Proteins are a bunch of amino acids together.

Captain Brien: So, how much water have you drank since the last time we talked to you? We’re gonna try to drink more.

Dr. Daller: So I have been. So, I’ve been very good. So, what I’m doing now, I bring from home a big jug of 800 CCs, 800 mLs of water, and I put mint, like yesterday, I put some fresh mint in it and a tangerine, and I drink four or five of these every day. So, I bring it to the office and then I fill them up, fill them up, fill them up. And because, you know, for some reason, if it’s a bottle of water, I feel like, wow, I drank a bottle, and a bottle of water is 500 CCs, it’s nothing.

– Nothing, you gotta drink more. You’ve been doing good.

Dr. Daller: I’ve been doing very good.

Captain Brien: I have my Yeti, my 22 ounce Yeti, I’ve been trying to drink that all day, keep filling it up.

Dr. Daller: Love it. But not all day, multiple times. Fill it up, fill it up, fill it up.

Captain Brien: Just keep drinking and filling.

Dr. Daller: Fill it all the time, yep.

Captain Brien: And then I run to the bathroom too.

Dr. Daller: Absolutely.

Captain Brien: I noticed that, since I drank more, obviously I’m going to the bathroom more. You know, I would only go to the bathroom two times a day, until the bedtime would be the third time. Now I’m going three, four times during the day. That’s good, right?

Dr. Daller: How much do you weight, Captain?

Captain Brien: I weigh 176 pounds.

Dr. Daller: That’s wonderful.

Captain Brien: That’s good?

Dr. Daller: Yeah, that’s good, I mean–

Captain Brien: I wanna get down to 171.

Dr. Daller: So do it, try it. Easy, for you it’s nothing.

Captain Brien: Yeah, I know.

Dr. Daller: For you it’s nothing.

Captain Brien: Oh my god, this guy’s in a rush. The light just turned green half a second ago.

Dr. Daller: It’s like, you see, they don’t listen to your podcast. They need to listen to the podcast.

Captain Brien: Apparently he has no idea about The Captain’s Log.

Dr. Daller: About living life, not being pissed off all the time. Being pissed off is not healthy.

Captain Brien: Not at all. So yeah, what about plans for the week? Let’s wrap it up. What are you doing?

Dr. Daller: That said, you know, we went fishing outside.

Captain Brien: Oh, when you caught the cobia.

Dr. Daller: We caught the cobia.

Captain Brien: You took a great picture, I loved it.

Dr. Daller: Great fish, delicious, and this weekend, nothing spectacular. You know, kid stuff, you know, the usual activities that we do, but nothing is planned.

Captain Brien: Jen Lee says, “Hey Brien, so happy I tuned in. “Been doing research already with apple cider vinegar. “Can I mix it with water that I flavored “since it doesn’t taste good?”

Dr. Daller: Yeah, you can, you can, you definitely can.

Captain Brien: What flavor are you gonna pick with the vinegar, though?

Dr. Daller: You know–

Captain Brien: I’m pretty good in the kitchen, but I don’t know.

Dr. Daller: I would pick something around the sweeter side of flavors. You know, a fruit that is sweeter, you know, like a peach or something like that. But you know, I don’t know.

Captain Brien: Maybe a little basil with the peach, a little peach basil.

Dr. Daller: There you go, there you go.

Captain Brien: It’s a new business, coming out with a new business.

Dr. Daller: Thinking about it all the time, I love it, I love it.

Captain Brien: All right, well, guys, you don’t wanna miss this week. We have so many great guests coming your way. Dr. Daller’s with me every Tuesday. DM your questions to us, we’ll answer ’em, we’ll answer ’em live on the air or we’ll respond right then and there, whatever you want, we’re happy to do that for you. Thank you for watching. But tomorrow we’re gonna be live again, Gary Owen, he’s coming back. And then Thursday, we have Richy Lala, and then Friday, I got another big one, Cindy Kaza, she’s the medium.

Dr. Daller: Wow, I love her. Oh, she’s the best. She is amazing. I mean, you know, she, when we were in the radio station, she brought my parents back, and that was–

Captain Brien: She brought my grandmother, yeah.

Dr. Daller: I have goosebumps just thinking about it.

Captain Brien:My grandma and my grandpa back. She knew everything right away.

Dr. Daller: She is, she is the real deal. She is amazing, she is pretty, she is beautiful, she is smart, she is everything you want.

Captain Brien: We should find out if she drinks apple cider vinegar.

Dr. Daller: Absolutely, or vodka, for that matter.

Captain Brien: Thanks for tuning in, guys. We’re out!

Episode 217: The Captain’s Log with Dr. Daller and Captain Brien!

On this episodes of the #captainslog, Dr. Daller joins Captain Brien again! Dr. Daller is here to tell us all about intermittent fasting! Dr. Daller and Captain Brien discuss who should and should not be doing intermittent fasting, how to eliminate gut fat quickly, and how intermittent fasting can even help you remember better! If you have ever wondered about intermittent fasting, tune into this podcast to have your questions answered!

Dr. Daller will be joining Captain Brien EVERY Tuesday at 2:30 on the Captains Log to answer any questions you may have! Make sure you tune in and comment with your questions!

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Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #captainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free Vodka and Barrel Aged Dark Rum both are gluten free also!

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Miss something on one of our episodes of the #naplescaptainslog? Don’t worry we got you covered! Here you will find a full transcript from this episode of the #naplescaptainslog!

Captain Brien: Welcome back, guys, to Captain’s Log! Dr Daller, thanks for joining me, buddy.

Dr. Daller: I’m doing fantastic, how are you, buddy?

Captain Brien: I’m good, we’re gonna take a ride, let’s do it.

Dr. Daller: Absolutely.

Captain Brien: You gotta tell me about intermittent fasting.

Dr. Daller: Intermittent fasting, so so many patients, so many people, ask about intermittent fasting. They say, first of all for disclaimer, I did not invent intermittent fasting. A lot of people associating that with you. Not with me, not at all.

Captain Brien: You’re a fan of it, though?

Dr. Daller: I am big time, fan of that.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Dr. Daller: I have been intermittent fasting for 12 years and I’m a believer. And I guarantee people, which I don’t like to use the term guarantee in medicine, I guarantee people you are going to lose your belly fat, you’re going to lose part of your body that you don’t like from intermittent fasting. So first of all intermittent fasting has been around, Brien, for about 35 to 4,000 years. 4,000 years, biblical time, people–

Captain Brien: 4,000?

Dr. Daller: Of course! In biblical times, people used to have one meal a day at dinnertime if they were lucky. On a good day they had one meal a day. And that was very, very good for them. They never had, you know, for breakfast milk with cereal and they didn’t have all the junk that we have and they didn’t have protein bars.

Captain Brien: Okay, so I’m gonna interrupt you because people always say, “Oh you have to have four meals. “You have to eat as soon as you’re hungry. “Your body’s gonna store fat.” Tell me what–

Dr. Daller: Okay, first of all–

Captain Brien: Why is everyone making the change now to fasting?

Dr. Daller: It’s a myth and a folk lore. What do I mean by that? You know, every mother is tell to the kids, you know, you have to have breakfast and you are sure that you eat all the time and you should not keep your sugar low and you should do that. And it’s true, for kids that are growing they should eat all the time and they should definitely have breakfast and they should eat as much as they can. Why, because they are growing.

Captain Brien: Right

Dr. Daller: But Brien, you are growing out, you are not growing up.

Captain Brien: ‘Course.

Dr. Daller: So for kids, absolutely, their mother is right. They should have all the things that we talked about they should do, they should have breakfast, they should not do intermittent fasting and everything else.

Captain Brien: Okay, but when they say that your body stores the fat if you are hungry–

Dr. Daller: No, no.

Captain Brien: What happened, they used to say that?

Dr. Daller:  I know, I know, I remember.

Captain Brien: So that’s why they used to say, used to eat a lot.

Dr. Daller: I remember when they were talking about, you know, keep your blood sugar at the same level–

Captain Brien: Right!

Dr. Daller: Because if you are going to hunger your body is going to go to an emergency–

Captain Brien: Right!

Dr. Daller: And store fat.

Captain Brien: That’s exactly right!

Dr. Daller: I remember that. So all the research, every research from Johns Hopkins to Mayo Clinic to everywhere to Mass General shows that that’s not true. First of all, there are two hormones that we are going to talk about today. One, it’s called insulin, the other one is called human growth hormone. So insulin is the hormone that when you eat something it tells the body to start storing stuff. For example, storing fat, it makes your body store glycogen in your liver and after the liver is full of glycogen it will go into fat. So when you are starving yourself this goes into reverse. So insulin is going to go down as a result of that you’re going to utilize your glycogen in your liver. In your liver you have about 11 hours, and that’s important. Remember that number, 11 hours of storage, of energy that you have in your liver that you can use. After that you’re going to use fat. So, for example, why is it so important to exercise high-intensity exercise? Because you are going to use that glycogen faster and all of a sudden you are going into burning into fat.

Captain Brien: So I like to eat at dinner.

Dr. Daller: Yeah.

Captain Brien: And then, a lot of times I’ll have my coffee and go all the way ’til like 2 o’clock. But, sometimes if I got to the gym, I feel like, oh man, I feel like I’m starving.

Dr. Daller: Right.

Captain Brien: Is it okay to hit the gym during that time?

Dr. Daller: Absolutely, absolutely. I love in your head, right, it’s in your head to say–

Captain Brien: That’s what it always is!

Dr. Daller: You know, I’m going to the gym, you know, I want to, either after the gym or before the gym, “Oh, I’m going to the gym, “I’m going to use a lot of energy.” How much energy do you use at the gym? 250 calories on a good day, 300 calories if you kill yourself. It’s not a lot, you have plenty of reserve–

Captain Brien: My watch says five, six hundred.

Dr. Daller: I don’t believe that watch. So, I mean, you really have to kill yourself for six, seven hundred which people do. I mean, you can do 700, you can do, in one hour 700 calories. Still, in your liver you have more than you need to use that, you have plenty of reserve. So, you should–

Captain Brien: So don’t worry, if you’re hungry you could still work out?

Dr. Daller: Absolutely, absolutely, and again, that hunger is in your head, you can definitely–

Captain Brien: You gotta overcome it.

Dr. Daller: You can fast for, I believe in fasting for 16 good hours. So 16 hours of fasting, eight hours of eating. So during the night, it’s very easy to do. During the night, Brien, you don’t eat anyways, right? So you have six, seven, eight hours that you don’t eat. And then you wake up in the morning and the first thing you think about, “Well, I should eat something.” Why you should eat something? You’re not even hungry, it’s in your head that you need to eat something. Now, if you don’t eat something and now, eight hours, plus another four, five hours, now you are done with your glycogen storage, you are done with your glycogen storage and you start burning fat. And you burn fat and you lose that gut, the fat in your visceral, visceral fat is the fat around your liver, around your stomach, inside your belly. It’s like an organ by itself that visceral fat. And that’s very, very important to do to lose that gut fat.

Captain Brien: And that happens after how many hours?

Dr. Daller: So that happens, it depends if you exercise or you don’t exercise. If you exercise, which I encourage people do do, high-intensity exercise, that can happen after 10 hours. But if you wait for 16 hours, all this time is fat burning. It’s clean fuel that you’re using. You’re burning fat, you’re burning fat, you’re burning fat. Now it’s important, again, we talked about insulin and we talked about human growth hormone. Human growth hormone is the hormone, it’s an anabolic hormone and it occurs only when you don’t have food in the system when you don’t have that glycogen. At nighttime HGH goes up. Now if you start eating, the moment you eat HGH goes down, human growth hormone goes down. As a result of that you don’t have, human growth hormone help you burn the fat, help you build muscle et cetera. So these are the two hormones that are very important. Insulin and human growth hormone that are essential, essential in intermittent fasting. So I read several articles, one article that I want to talk about is from Johns Hopkins. And this article shows that patients that did, if I remember it was about rats and other animals that they did studies on, to see if intermittent fasting is going to help them with dementia and Alzheimer. And they show on the rat model that intermittent fasting is going to make you remember things better. So, whether you’re going to be in a maze or whatever, wherever you’re going be or going to do it even better.

Captain Brien: You’re sharper?

Dr. Daller: You are sharper. And I know that for myself, when you know, when you eat something, you know, with a lot of sugar and everything you have that sugar high and then a low. When you are, when I’m fasting I don’t eat until 12.30 probably, everyday.

Captain Brien: When you’re fasting can you still have coffee?

Dr. Daller: I have coffee, I have black coffee.

Captain Brien: Okay, but no sugar?

Dr. Daller: No sugar, very important.

Captain Brien: What about almond milk in your coffee?

Dr. Daller: Again, a little bit, later on after you feel better with yourself, you clean the fat, you can have a little bit almond milk.

Captain Brien: But otherwise the whole time fasting no sugar, nothing, just water?

Dr. Daller: As much as you want water, unlimited water.

Captain Brien: For me, you could give me a whole list of water. I’d believe it!

Dr. Daller: As much as you like, all different kinds of water! Kinds of water.

Captain Brien: Wow, how generous.

Dr. Daller: So whatever you want, water. And you know, again, I guarantee people the intermittent fasting is going to work for you. It worked for me, it worked for all my patients. I mean, probably by now we’re about 4,500 patients that we did that. One guy lost 160 pounds in two years, he was doing intermittent fasting.

Captain Brien: Changing nothing else?

Dr. Daller: Nothing else.

Captain Brien: You’re kidding me.

Dr. Daller: I mean, when I say nothing else, he ate healthy in between.

Captain Brien: Right, right.

Dr. Daller: He didn’t go to McDonald’s, Taco Bell or fast food. He didn’t use processed food, he didn’t have, you know, refined sugar, he didn’t have danishes. He did intermittent fasting–

Captain Brien: What about cheesecake?

Dr. Daller: No.

Captain Brien: Did he have cheesecake?

Dr. Daller: No cheesecake, Brien, absolutely no cheesecake.

Captain Brien: No cheesecake.

Dr. Daller: No cheesecake. But again, again I don’t want to sound like the crazy doctor. From time to time you have to live a life.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Dr. Daller: You have to enjoy life. If a spoonful, of I don’t know what, makes you happy, whether it’s an ice-cream sundae or cheesecake, do it! I mean, if that’s what make you happy, do it. But the whole idea is the majority of the time you are not going to do stuff like that because you are going to enjoy an apple. When you take a bite of an apple it’s delicious.

Captain Brien: You get all the nutrients.

Dr. Daller: An apple a day will keep the doctor away. I believe in that, I mean, all the fiber, everything that’s good for you–

Captain Brien: So wait, now, here’s another thing I have a question about. So, during the fasting, can I do the apple cider vinegar?

Dr. Daller: Yes, because it’s water and apple cider and a tablespoon full of apple cider vinegar, absolutely. It will make you feel full, it’s going to help your metabolism, I do that. So I have apple cider vinegar in the morning and at night. A glass full six to eight ounces of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. I mix it, I drink it, you know it’s acquired taste. Most people say it’s disguising.

Captain Brien: Can be, right.

Dr. Daller: But you know what, everything in life that we learn that tastes good we, just somebody told us it tastes good. You know, when you had that spoon of something else–

Captain Brien: Oh really?

Dr. Daller: Your mother told you–

Captain Brien: Do you tell your taste buds it’s healthy?

Dr. Daller: Yes, because it’s natural–

Captain Brien: Yeah, you like that, it’s good!

Dr. Daller: I mean why–

Captain Brien: Goes on good!

Dr. Daller: I mean why, we learn how to eat stuff that is cooked and then we learn how to eat stuff that is sweet and then we learn how to eat… Because, no, as a child we are learning stuff that we’ll say, “Well, I don’t like okra, “and I do like this.” “Why you don’t like okra? “Who said you don’t like okra?” I mean, it’s like somebody, oh you know, you looked at your brother and you say, “Oh, my brother said it’s disgusting. So I heard it’s disgusting.”

Captain Brien: He doesn’t like the texture.

Dr. Daller: I don’t like the texture, I don’t like the feel, how it feels when it’s in my mouth. So again, going back that study from Johns Hopkins about memory, because again, things that scare people it’s dementia and Alzheimer and things like that.

Captain Brien: Right.

Dr. Daller: Because we are looking at, we want to live a healthy life. And you know, I always say healthcare is a big business. They are not in the business of keeping you healthy because there is business in disease. There’s no money in health.

Captain Brien: That’s right, there’s no money in sick, in not going to the doctor.

Dr. Daller: There’s no, in not going to the doctor. So you have to take care on your own. You have to understand that, you know what, I don’t want to have dementia, I don’t want to have Alzheimer, I don’t want to take any of the Aricept or any pills for dementia or Alzheimer. I want to do whatever it takes. So what does it take? It take intermittent fasting, it takes exercise, it takes health living. Exercise is key for dementia and Alzheimer.

Captain Brien: What about CoQ10?

Dr. Daller: No, really, no good study shows that the other supplements that we are taking are any beneficial. But starvation, when we say the 16 hours of quote-unquote starvation, even though, again, years after years, for thousands of years we never had breakfast. Years after years we didn’t have processed food and we did very well. People were lean and, you know, they looked fantastic. And now we have processed food and everybody is eating all the time and let’s grab some more food, and let’s grab more food and let’s grab more food. So again, I have nothing wrong with going to a restaurant, having a nice dinner. It’s a social event, absolutely enjoy your food. Go, have a good food. Enjoy good seafood, enjoy good fish, enjoy good oysters whatever you would like to do, but again, the rest of the day, you know, skip that cereal with milk. Skip that, it’s not good for you.

Captain Brien: What do you do when the people say, “I’m so hungry, “I can’t concentrate, I can’t do it.” How long can they fast for?

Dr. Daller: So I don’t recommend starting with 16 hours. I recommend starting with, slowly, you know. Instead of you normally have breakfast at seven, now move it to eight and then move it to nine o’clock and ten o’clock and eleven o’clock and then noontime and all of a sudden you’re not even hungry at noontime. And you realize that, you know what, I’m really not hungry.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Dr. Daller: And, Brien, trust me it’s wonderful. It’s wonderful for your body, it’s wonderful to get rid of the belly fat, it’s wonderful for most diseases such as diabetes and everything else, coronary artery disease. And, again, Alzheimer and dementia and other, I mean, now they’re working on Parkinson disease and other neurological diseases. Some people say, “How do you explain that?” so I always look, you know, anything I say in biology I need to have an explanation. So just think about it, 5,000 years ago, 3,000 years ago, when you were hungry, or you are an animal and you are hungry your brain has to be sharp to find food. You cannot say you know what, I’m going to become, you know, I’m not going to be–

Captain Brien: It’s this your theory or is this real?

Dr. Daller: This is my theory. Completely my theory, but I need to explain to myself–

Captain Brien: I like it, it’s a good idea!

Dr. Daller: I need to explain to myself, I’m saying, okay, you know thousands of years ago when we hunt–

Captain Brien: ‘Cause you gotta be a sharp hunter.

Dr. Daller: I have to be sharper hunter when I’m hungry. When I’m not hungry, when I’m sitting down I already have my food in my mouth, you’re not that sharp. But when you are hungry, same with animals, when they are hungry they become sharp, they have a strategy, how to attack the other animal, how to get the food, what to do to get to the water source, what to get to that food source.

Captain Brien: I like that idea. So when you–

Dr. Daller: I like the fact that you caught that it wasn’t based on science. It was based on my true beliefs.

Captain Brien: You sounded, it sounded legit as hell.

Dr. Daller: Sounded legit.

Captain Brien: I would say, this is a good idea.

Dr. Daller: That reality, no.

Captain Brien: We should–

Dr. Daller: It’s my theory completely, completely my theory.

Captain Brien: We could write a whole thesis on it.

Dr. Daller: Completely.

Captain Brien: Yeah. So what happens when you break the, you break the fast?

Dr. Daller: Sure.

Captain Brien: Should you be bummed out and not do it anymore?

Dr. Daller: No, no, no, no.

Captain Brien: Then you start it right back up? ‘Cause people want to do this.

Dr. Daller: Absolutely, so every day I do that and every day I break the fast, again, break fast, I break the fast around 12/12.30, I have my food. You know I try to eat healthy food. From time to time I cheat a little bit and I will have some dessert or whatever it is. No big deal, not the end of the world, live a life a little bit. And the next day it’s another day. And you know, this is a lifetime–

Captain Brien: What happens if one day you fast, you stop eating at 7 o’clock at night, you start eating the next day at 10 o’clock?

Dr. Daller: Sure.

Captain Brien: That’s.

Dr. Daller: And that’s, you know–

Captain Brien: It’s not set every day?

Dr. Daller: No, and you know what–

Captain Brien: You just try to go as long as possible?

Dr. Daller: No.

Captain Brien: What do you do?

Dr. Daller: I try to do 16 hours.

Captain Brien: 16 hours?

Dr. Daller: 16 hours. Sometime it’s 17 hours that I go fasting, sometimes 16–

Captain Brien: But what’s the breaking point? After 12 hours you starting burning?

Dr. Daller: You start burning. But the best, if you really want to burn, you know you want to shred, 16 hours ideal. Again, Brien, sometimes we have friends over for brunch, and you know, I start eating at 11. Not the end of the world, we are not fanatic here. We are just giving advice about–

Captain Brien: So do you stop eating then again, start again, or should you just eat your normal day and then–

Dr. Daller: No, I would start having my brunch at 11 and I will have, you know, in my Bloody Mary with Captain Brien vodka, you know it’s delicious–

Captain Brien: Very good, very good.

Dr. Daller: Absolutely, it’s nutritious.

Captain Brien: It is, it’s sugar-free, gluten-free, all organic, all natural, did you know that?

Dr. Daller: And a good mixture for the Bloody Mary, of course, and all the vegetables inside, right?

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Dr. Daller: So you feel like you have a garden variety there. And then we’re going to have whatever we have for the brunch. But I may stop eating at 7pm instead of 8pm that day.

Captain Brien: But what happens if you break it, say you planned on fasting that day and you wake up and you just, without even thinking, you go and get coffee and a fricken’ Egg McMuffin? And all of a sudden, like, it’s the morning. Do you stop eating now again until maybe like, try to go during the day? Or no, it’s too hard during the day?

Dr. Daller: I think you ruined it with the Egg McMuffin.

Captain Brien: Done, right, done?

Dr. Daller: It’s done. So, you know what, and you know in medicine we say, “From time to time shit happens.” And shit happens, you know, from time to time you have, you’re in an airport and there’s nothing else to eat besides McDonald, whatever it is, so you do it.

Captain Brien: That’s very scientific.

Dr. Daller: Very scientific.

Captain Brien: Shit happens.

Dr. Daller: Shit happens. So I’m sure there’s a study about shit happens. So, from time to time, shit happens and you move on and you continue. The next day is another day, not the end of the world. We are not fanatic here. Human beings survived and animals survived, who survived? The one that were malleable, the one that were able to adjust. The one that were strict and were not able to adjust they don’t survive, so you know–

Captain Brien: How many days can you be successful? Can you fast for four days a week if you do 12 to 16-hour fasting? Or what?

Dr. Daller: I fast every day, every day I fast for 16 hours. But you can do it five/six days a week and the rest you don’t. But again, I want it to be a lifestyle of people that they are going to say, “You know what, “that’s very doable, I can do this.” The reason diet is such a big–

Captain Brien: A breakfast, we’re not sponsored apparently by any breakfast restaurants.

Dr. Daller: No, the Denny’s don’t like us at all.

Captain Brien: We are not sponsored by IHOP, apparently.

Dr. Daller: IHOP for sure, they don’t like us. But again, it has to be a lifestyle. It has to be something that you are going to understand and it makes sense to you and you can do it. The reason, you know the diet industry is huge in America because people gain weight and lose weight and lose weight and gain weight and everybody writes a book how to do it. And then everybody is selling you food. You cannot buy that, that food you should buy at Publix, at Whole Food, at Fresh Market, wherever you buy. Walmart, wherever you buy your food.

Captain Brien: So you shouldn’t eat Lean Cuisines all day?

Dr. Daller: You should not, absolutely not, because again–

Captain Brien: Or Jenny Craig?

Dr. Daller: It will never work.

Captain Brien: It doesn’t.

Dr. Daller: It’ll work for the short term.

Captain Brien: No way.

Dr. Daller: Short term it always works. When you cut your calories it will work. But again, what’s going to happen? You’re going to go back to pizza, that will never work. And again, I have nothing against pizza. I want people to understand that. From time to time, you know, this weekend we went to, in Naples we went to True Food Kitchen.

Captain Brien: Oh yeah, I know.

Dr. Daller: And we had a pizza, it was delicious. But we order one pizza and we were four people and each one of us had a slice and and a half and it was fantastic.

Captain Brien: And then the server came and said, “Hey, are you gonna pick and spend some money, what, what’s going on? Jesus, what can I get you, four waters split three ways?

Dr. Daller: I know!

Captain Brien: Poor guy, oh my God!

Dr. Daller: No, we had other food too.

Captain Brien: Okay.

Dr. Daller: That was very close.

Captain Brien: Phew!

Dr. Daller: We didn’t just come four people.

Captain Brien: Jeez!

Dr. Daller: Oh, that’s funny.

Captain Brien: Did you tell ’em, “I’m dining, thank you, we’re fasting!” And the guy looks at you and says, “What’d you come “to my restaurant for, you son of a bitch?”

Dr. Daller: Fasting time!

Captain Brien: Jeez! Nah, that’s the greatest, when you have somebody come on as, “Today, I’m on the Atkin’s diet.” “Oh, you’re gonna eat 12 pounds of meat in my house?” “Oh, okay, let me cook two pounds “of bacon extra for breakfast.” Tomorrow, you’re not on that diet but today you’re on that diet. Drives me crazy. I’ve got a guy coming up against, coming up behind me with lights on, let me let him go.

Dr. Daller: Oh, it’s a–

Captain Brien: It’s a, like an ambulance, yeah.

Dr. Daller: Ambulance, ambulance, all right. Somebody was not doing intermittent fasting.

Captain Brien: Yeah, that’s what happens–

Dr. Daller: That’s what happens! That’s what happens when you don’t–

Captain Brien: That’s what happens, right away.

Dr. Daller: Do intermittent fasting, there’s an ambulance behind you.

Captain Brien: So with the intermittent fasting you do a lotta water?

Dr. Daller: Plenty of water, water is extremely important. Nobody drinks enough water, I don’t drink enough water. I try to push water and water and water.

Captain Brien: Yeah, I’m the same.

Dr. Daller: So what do I do in order to drink a little bit more water? I cut some slice of lime or lemon or orange or tangerine in my water, or put mint in my water to give it a little hint, a little flavor, so it will feel like I want to drink more.

Captain Brien: I just saw this, supposedly the Olympic athletes are doing it, where you, it’s a powder that you add to your water, and it makes you retain three times the amount of water that you would normally. Have you heard about this?

Dr. Daller: No, I mean–

Captain Brien: We should look into it.

Dr. Daller: We should look into that.

Captain Brien: So it’s something that, so for every glass of water that you drink it’s as healthy as drinking three glasses of water?

Dr. Daller: Let’s look into it.

Captain Brien: We need to find out.

Dr. Daller: And then we get back to the audience next week.

Captain Brien: Okay, we’ll talk about it.

Dr. Daller: Absolutely.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Dr. Daller: That sounds interesting even though I don’t believe all the chemicals, I don’t like chemicals, but we’ll see. Maybe it’s good chemicals?

Captain Brien: Maybe it’s good stuff?

Dr. Daller: You never know. It’s good stuff, made in China stuff, you know.

Captain Brien: Oh, well guys.

Dr. Daller: Chinese chemicals.

Captain Brien: I hope you learned a little bit about the Captain, on the Captain’s log today. Dr Daller’s a big fan of the fasting. I’m a big fan of the fasting and now I’m just gonna have to do more. I can’t eat a pizza tonight, that’s all, no pizza. No pizza for you either, doctor. Don’t go to True Food and get ten people one pizza. It’s not gonna work. The poor guy can’t make any money, the server.

Dr. Daller: I know, I know.

Captain Brien: You gotta–

Dr. Daller: We left on a good thing, very good thing.

Captain Brien: Okay I believe it, I believe it everything. Thanks buddy.

Dr. Daller: Thank you so much.

Captain Brien: We’re good, we’re good. Have a good day guys, we’ll see you tomorrow.

Dr. Daller: Bye bye.

Captain Brien: We’re live, Hank Denson. Pay Teachers More Money comedy tour, Hank Denson’s live with you tomorrow on the channel.

Episode 215 The Captain’s Log with Dr. Daller and Captain Brien!

Dr. Daller joins Captain Brien again! This time they are discussing spiritual places and morning rituals. Dr. Daller will be joining Captain Brien EVERY Tuesday at 2:30 on the Captains Log to answer any questions you may have! Make sure you tune in and comment with your questions!

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Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #captainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free Vodka and Barrel Aged Dark Rum both are gluten free also!

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Miss something on one of our episodes of the #naplescaptainslog? Don’t worry we got you covered! Here you will find a full transcript from this episode of the #naplescaptainslog!

Captain Brien: Welcome back, you guys missed us! I got Dr. Daller.

Dr. Daller: Hey Captain Brien, how are you, buddy?

Captain Brien: It’s been so long–

Dr. Daller: I missed you. I missed you

Captain Brien: You had such a big Christmas break, you forgot about me .

Captain Brien: I didn’t forgot you live here. Every time I watch on Instagram, I watch on Facebook, you do couple of things for me. One, you put a smile on my face and that’s priceless. Because, again, it motivates me, motivates me to say, “You know what? This is funny yet educational.” So I watch your videos and I learn one little thing then it could be something that people say, “Well, it’s nothing serious.” Well, it’s nothing serious, obviously, you didn’t think about that. Somebody have thought of that and they became successful. And, so, I’m so excited to be back with you every Tuesday afternoon.

Captain Brien: I missed you. I missed you.

Dr. Daller: I missed you as well, buddy.

Captain Brien: You’re so busy!

Dr. Daller: Very, very busy, you know–

Captain Brien: Which is great.

Dr. Daller: I love it! Start at five in the morning, every morning, here. And we go until 4 PM. Nonstop. You know, my phone is ringing all the time and I’m loving life! Feel blessed.

Captain Brien: You should be. It’s amazing thing and the office looks great. All the employees is smiling, everybody happy, what a life!

Dr. Daller: Absolutely, absolutely blessed. You know, Captain Brien, every morning, I wake up at about 4:45. The first thing I do, I thank God. I thank God, I thank God to be alive, first of all. I thank God that because the alternative, you know, we know very well we could be not alive. We have more than we imagine, how fortune we are. I just, over Christmas, we were in Peru, in a place called Machu Picchu. It’s very spiritual place. And the average person in that area makes a hundred dollars a year.

Captain Brien: How do they manage that? How does that work?

Dr. Daller: And you know what, they have a smile on their face. So it’s amazing how with a hundred dollars a year, they manage, and they are not complaining, and they feel blessed. One, they don’t know any better, you know. If you have money and you lost it, it’s much worse than than not having money at all. And they feel good about it, I mean, they play a little soccer on the field there with nothing and they feel great about it.

Captain Brien: What were you doing in Peru?

Dr. Daller: So we went to Lima and then we went to Machu Picchu. Very spiritual, felt connected, did a lot of hiking with the family, really, amazing, amazing. It was a bucket list place that we really wanted to go–

Captain Brien: I hear people say that they’re gonna go to Machu Picchu, right?

Dr. Daller: Right.

Captain Brien: That’s popular right now.

Dr. Daller: It is very popular but, I mean we did hiking in the mountains. I mean, one day, we climbed 14 kilometers in the mountains. I mean, remember the altitude there is about 12 thousand to 14 thousand feet. So it’s a high altitude. It’s difficult to breathe.

Captain Brien: That’s amazing. So I get that question a lot. What do you do, How do you stay on the video all day? How do you go live all the time? How do you have time to manage going to a comedy club, running the restaurant, streaming live on Facebook, doing all the podcast at the Captain’s log, meeting you, how do I do that? The thing is–

Dr. Daller: You know what, when I watch you, I admire you. You’re going to tell us in a few minutes how you going to that, how do you do that which is impressing. I see all the stuff that you do. How you have a big smile on your face all the time. And I wonder myself, how do you do that, Captain?

Captain Brien: The interesting thing is, for me, it just seems normal. I don’t sit down and drink a cup of coffee and just rest. If I am siting down, my mind is going already, “What am I gonna do next? What’s happening? What am I missing? How am I gonna create the next video? What’s gonna happen when the doors open at the comedy club? Tomorrow, I have a new show going on, how do I market it?” that’s just how I think. It’s a good vibe. It’s fun but I cannot tell you that there’s always positives. But there’s gonna be a negative. You know what the negative is? It’s sometimes I drive people crazy around me ’cause they’re like, ” don’t you just need a minute to relax?”

Dr. Daller: And, you know, people like you really don’t need minute to relax. Relaxation is what you do give you satisfaction, give you happiness.

Captain Brien: Yeah

Dr. Daller: So you don’t need that minute to relax.

Captain Brien: It’s not the relaxing part.

Dr. Daller: But do you have– Let me ask, I never ask you that question before, do you have any rituals that you do, for example, in the morning, when you buy, what do you do?

Captain Brien: I do, it’s funny you asked. In the morning, I always feel like you have to make your bed.

Dr. Daller: Okay.

Captain Brien: When I get up, no matter what, I make the bed.

Dr. Daller: I like that.

Captain Brien: And then I feel like I did something, right?

Dr. Daller: I like that.

Captain Brien: And then when I’m in the shower, oh my god, that’s when all the magic happens.

Dr. Daller: Okay.

Captain Brien: Right away, I start coming up with ideas on what I’m gonna do for the day. I usually don’t have a plan until I get up and hit the shower.

Dr. Daller: Okay.

Captain Brien: I have no agenda.

Dr. Daller: Okay.

Captain Brien: But these things just instantly start going. In my mind says, “Going, going, going, going.” If someone’s gonna talk to me, forget about it. Because I start thinking out loud and I sound like a madman. But that’s what I do. I line up my day. And most of the time, by the time I get out of the shower, I already have 10 things I need to get accomplished. And that’s how it works.

Dr. Daller: Do you write them down, or what —

Captain Brien: I message myself.

Dr. Daller: You message yourself.

Captain Brien: I’m a terrible speller and a terrible writer which is probably why I don’t comment a lot because if I do, I’m gonna spell something wrong

Dr. Daller: K is the most I’ve seen from the Captain.

Captain Brien: But I don’t spell very good. And I never did. And it’s something I’m sure that there’s gotta be some kinda dyslexia, something running through my head but overall, when I write things, I do make mistakes in the grammar so I don’t tend to write a lot of things down. But I’ll dictate and I use video, and I use audio which is my podcast is really good, which is why I do good with the video stuff. But when I write, I’m not gonna go and write a novel. Someday I wanna write a book but I need a writer, I need a ghost writer.

Dr. Daller: And you can. And , you know, I’m thinking about the one day we’ll do a podcast about how to write a book. And I really want to write a book in the next couple of years. And that’s impressive. Captain Brien, that’s truly impressive. You know, I thank God, when I drive, when I’m in my car, this is my sanctuary. This is the time that I have time to think, to reflect on things. So when people are complaining about traffic, for me, I don’t care because it’s the time for me to reflect about life

Captain Brien: I send video messages all the time too.

Dr. Daller: Really?

Captain Brien: Yeah, I’m like, when I have something to say, I’ll just send a message in video, even to myself. Do you send messages to yourself because I feel like if I get those messages, I even send text messages to my own message where it shows that I said and I received it.

Dr. Daller: I do that sometime. I send messages, I put on my notes on my phone, I take a picture of something that is important.

Captain Brien: And then what happens when you go to all your screenshot, you say, “I don’t know what the hell I took that picture.”

Dr. Daller: “Why, why did I take a picture of that note?”

Captain Brien: “What am I doing that time?” No idea but most of the time it’s for something so I keep them for a while and then I had to go and I clean them all out. What about your emails? How often do you clean those out?

Dr. Daller: Everyday.

Captain Brien: Everyday?

Dr. Daller: Every single day. My read my email, all my emails, every single day.

Captain Brien: And then you delete them?

Dr. Daller: You send me email, I do delete the one that I don’t need. So if you send me an email, I didn’t reply that mean the same day, that mean I did not receive my email. Very, very important for me. My email, the inbox, is completely empty.

Captain Brien: Hundred and 50 thousand messages in my inbox.

Dr. Daller: No way!

Captain Brien: I bet I have a hundred and 50 thousand right now if I go–

Dr. Daller: No, no , I mean every single day

Captain Brien: I get so many messages I can’t even keep up.

Dr. Daller: I clean it up all the time.

Captain Brien: I do go through every one but I don’t delete like I just look at the preview. If the previous is interesting, or if I know who it’s from, I read every one. But there’s so many, I can’t keep track. How do you manage the time? Because other people out there, they can’t manage.

Dr. Daller: I find the time. Everybody find excuses for everything. I talk to people about diet and body modification. Today, I talked to this guy and he says, “You know, I tried this, it don’t doesn’t work. I tried this, it doesn’t work.” We always find excuse. “Oh, I have big bones.” How many times people told you , “You know, I can’t lose weight because I have big bones so I have this.” We have to find the positive, how to tackle things. And, you know, this is what I love about this podcast. Because in this podcast, you give people the strategies. You give people the tools how to do things. For example, how to make a banana bread or how to lose weight. I mean, different things and it depends on your interest. Here, we are talking about health, and lifestyle, and all the things that we care about. And we give them the strategies, we give them a good story behind it that keeps it interesting. And we give them the ability to start and have that inertia, have that momentum to say, “You know what, today is the day!” And everyday you have to think about living the present. Today is the day. Don’t live in the past. Why people take anti-depressant and are still depressed because they live in the past. They don’t live in the present.

Captain Brien: I agree.

Dr. Daller: And frankly, we shall not live too far in the future because who knows what’s going to be in the future. I mean, you live in the present, right? You are, right now, driving here in a nice car, air conditioned, he has a lot of cameras all around us. I mean, you should see this place. It’s unbelievable. It’s like a studio thing.

Captain Brien: And I gotta say my light guy, keep it down back there.

Dr. Daller: Tons of little people here everywhere. It’s amazing! Amazing, this place.

Captain Brien: Like drone flying over the head, this show’s amazing!

Dr. Daller: So I really appreciate those podcast that you do in the different topics. And again, my affinity is towards health care. And I just read an article by a guy from University of Michigan, and he says that, “97% of American don’t have healthy health lifestyle habits.” So all only 3% of us really preach what we practice and we practice what we preach. So this is something that in the next, if you podcast we’re going to motivate people to have responsibility about their health because, again, when people tell me it’s expensive to go to a Whole Foods to buy organic and whatever you buying, chicken or whatever it is. You know what’s expensive? Going to the doctor. You know what’s expensive? Going to the hospital. You cannot afford going to the hospital. You have to be a billionaire in America if you don’t have insurance to go to the hospital. Even with insurance, you have call pay, you deduct of all these. It’s outrageous! So staying healthy, believe it or not, buying healthy food, eating healthy, not eating crap, extremely cheap. It’s not expensive.

Captain Brien: I go to the gym. I like to work out but I also like all food. So what’s my go-to move, if I have a craving?

Dr. Daller: Very good question. I don’t have a sweet tooth. I like food. I like food so I like to have healthy food. So if you decide to have fish, buy wild-caught fish. Don’t buy farm-raised fish. And, again, it doesn’t need to be expensive fish. You don’t need to spend 30 dollars a pound. You can buy for seven dollar a pound. A nice red snapper. And those prices that I just told you, I was at Whole Foods on Sunday and that was the price. Seven dollar a pound for snapper, for red snapper. Not bad!

Captain Brien: No, that was cheap.

Dr. Daller: Cheap! I know it wasn’t sale, I have to have the Amazon card, you have to have these stuff but big deal! Seven bucks, great price! So for me, is to go for real food. And I do like some fruit and vegetables. I grab an apple, I will grab an orange, I will do all these stuff and get healthy habits. Not that difficult. But you will never see me at Taco Bell. Ever, ever. If you ever see me at Taco Bell, don’t talk to me anymore.

Captain Brien: I have, I’ve eaten Taco Bell probably 15 times my whole life. How many times have you eaten?

Dr. Daller: Probably ate maybe more than that but it was in college. I used to live, my apartment was right on top on Com. Avenue in Boston. You know Com. Avenue?

Captain Brien: Right, of course.

Dr. Daller: So I used live right on top of a Taco Bell. So the Taco Bell, down, and one of the girls I used to date, she used to work there. So I used to eat, I didn’t pay for the food. But it was horrific food. But I was young. I could do whatever I wanted. I was invincible. But today, if I eat one Taco Bell, I will probably, I don’t know if I’ll make it. Deadly!

Captain Brien: I just come back from Las Vegas, and I cheated every day. I have to admit. But I did workout before and after. I was only there three days. So I cheated for three days. But I had to workout before I got there and the second I got back.

Dr. Daller: When you say you cheated, you mean the burger?

Captain Brien: Yeah, I ate at Eataly at the Venetian. Oh my gosh I ate at every place.

Dr. Daller: And you know what, that’s okay. That’s okay, that’s not bad food. That’s not horrible food. Horrible food are really the big time processed food. The food that you buy for 49 cents. Whether there’s a taco, burger for 49 cents. You are in the food business, you understand you cannot make something for 49 cents.

Captain Brien: Of course.

Dr. Daller: It’s not possible.

Captain Brien: No.

Dr. Daller: How can you do that? How can you buy a bun, and a burger, and everything, and cheese, and lettuce, and all these stuff for 49 cents.

Captain Brien: And make it valuable for your body. Zero, zero nutrients.

Dr. Daller: Zero nutrients, absolutely. So, again, healthy habits, healthy eating. Whether you’re going to the gym and pay a hundred dollars a month, or 10 dollars, in some other gym or just doing it yourself doing some pushups, and pull-ups. You don’t really need to spend that money. It’s not that expensive to stay healthy. It’s very expensive, very, very, expensive not to stay healthy.

Captain Brien: I wanna ask you this question. I saw a health fitness person on Instagram, mentioning that the first seven minutes when you wake up, your body’s create some kind of, I don’t know, enzyme or something what’s it called. Is this a thing? It burns the most calories in the first seven minutes when you wake up out of bed?

Dr. Daller: No, there’s no such a thing.

Captain Brien: So I thought so! I thought she was full of bull.

Dr. Daller: Yeah, there’s no such a thing. It’s true that testosterone level that you have in your body is higher in the morning.

Captain Brien: I didn’t know where she was going with this. I couldn’t even figure out she said the first seven minutes you burn the most calories, she said. Even if you do 15 sit ups and 20 jumping jacks. You’re gonna burn in seven minutes more calories than you are, if you’re not during those seven minutes when you wake up.

Dr. Daller: No, no, no, there’s no.

Captain Brien: I didn’t even heard that.

Dr. Daller: You burn the same calorie you burn in the morning or at night. The amount of calories that you burn doing pushups–

Captain Brien: You can’t believe everything you hear on the internet.

Dr. Daller: Except on this podcast.

Captain Brien: Exactly.

Dr. Daller: Everything we say is vetted. We have people that vet everything we say are factic.

Captain Brien: Yeah, we have chats to valid to —

Dr. Daller: All the time. All, everything we say. Some of you have checking on Google.

Captain Brien: They make us walk the plank.

Dr. Daller: Absolutely, absolutely, so no. You really don’t need to wake up in the morning and to do 20 pushups. It would be nice if you can. But some people their joints hurts a little bit, don’t have the time. Do it whenever you can. Really, it’s true. It doesn’t make any difference when you do it. Your testosterone level is higher in the morning. There is a circadian rhythm for younger people. When I say younger people, less than 50, their testosterone is higher in the morning and you have less testosterone at night. As a result, we can fall asleep and we can do other things that we don’t need to be that alert for. That’s why in the morning, we are more focused. Again, the morning time is the best time to do activities, overall, because your brain is very, very, focused.

Captain Brien: Well, listen, I think that we know we’re on the right track. We know that every Tuesday, we’re gonna be here 2:30 live.

Dr. Daller: Every Tuesday–

Captain Brien: Every Tuesday, 2:30 live. You guys can send us your comments, ask us our questions, tell us everything that you wanna know ’cause we wanna hear what you’re interested in, right? And when you’re scrolling through, let’s see, Mal, we get all kinds of people on here. PD, all kinds of people. I don’t know, there’s so many.

Dr. Daller: 11.

Captain Brien: Johnny Pizzy, they’re all up there. But anyway, you guys ask us your questions. Dr. Daller’s specialty obviously is men’s and women’s sexual being and positivity and help. And he’s got way more answers than I got. Well, I’m just here to have a good time and enjoy all these knowledge, you know what I mean? So, listen guys, dm us your questions. Come back to us, we’re gonna answer on live in Captain’s log with Dr. Daller and we’re everyday but don’t forget on Tuesdays at 2:30, you’re gonna see Dr. Daller and he’s got your health right in the palm of his hand.

Dr. Daller: Take care.

Captain Brien: Next time.

Dr. Daller: Bye-bye, thank you, sir.

Captain Brien: See you, we’re out guys.

Episode 191: The Captain’s Log with Host Captain Brien and guests Doctor Daller and Joannie Sparr

Today’s episode features guests Dr. Daller and Joannie Sparr. Dr Daller shows us his new machine that make women do 11,200 kegels in less than 30 minutes! Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #captainslog for the latest info

Watch full video at

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free Vodka and Barrel Aged Dark Rum both are gluten free also!

Episode 188: The Captain’s Log with Captain Brien and Dr Daller!

Dr Daller is back! We talk about belly fat meltdown method! Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #captainslog for the latest info

Watch full video at

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free Vodka and Barrel Aged Dark Rum both are gluten free also!

Episode 174: Captain’s Log with Host Brien Spina and Guest Dr Daller

In this week’s Dr Daller show, we answer ALL your questions! Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #captainslog for the latest info. The captain’s log podcast is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free Vodka and Barrel Aged Dark Rum both are gluten free also!

Watch full video at

Episode 169: Captain’s Log with Host Brien Spina and Guests Dr Daller and Kelsey!

Dr. Daller and Kelsey are back! Today we talk about the keto diet, is it legit?! Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #captainslog for the latest info. The captain’s log podcast is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free Vodka and Barrel Aged Dark Rum both are gluten free also! Watch full video at

Episode 164: Captain’s Log with Host Brien Spina with Guests Dr. Daller and Jennifer

Today’s Dr. Daller episode is about the flu shot! Should people get it? Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #captainslog for the latest info.The captain’s log podcast is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free Vodka and Barrel Aged Dark Rum both are gluten free also! Watch full video at

Episode 162: Captain’s Log with Host Brien Spina with Guests Doctor Daller and Kelsey!

On this week’s episode with Dr. Daller and Kelsey we talk about female viagra! Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #captainslog for the latest info. The captain’s log podcast is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free Vodka and Barrel Aged Dark Rum both are gluten free also! Watch full video at

Episode 157: Captain’s Log with Host Brien Spina Does Cool Sculpting with Dr. Daller!

Since Dr. Daller’s throat is hurting him, he suggested Capt Brien gets cool sculpting! Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #captainslog for the latest info! The captain’s log podcast is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free Vodka and Barrel Aged Dark Rum both are gluten free also! Watch full video at