Category Archives: Vlogging

Episode 259 Comedian Tells a Joke at a Comedy Club and Gets 911 Called on Him

Comedian Erik Myers back again on the #naplescaptainslog to discuss the infamous 911 call

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Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #naplescaptainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free and Gluten Free Vodka, Barrel Aged Dark Rum, White Rum, and Gin!

Check Erik Myers out and show him some love at:

Episode 258 Be a Buddy Not a Bully!

Alyssa Elizabeth joins Captain Brien on the #naplescaptainslog to discuss bullying and what you can be doing to help reduce bullying!

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Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #naplescaptainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free and Gluten Free Vodka, Barrel Aged Dark Rum, White Rum, and Gin!

Check Alyssa Tombazzi out and show her some love at:



Miss something on one of our episodes of the #naplescaptainslog? Don’t worry we got you covered! Here you will find a full transcript from this episode of the #naplescaptainslog!

Captain Brien: Yeah, so you can scroll. Hey guys, welcome back. My guest Alyssa Tombazzi.

Alyssa Tombazzi: Yes.

Captain Brien: Is that right?

Alyssa Tombazzi: Yes.

Captain Brien: Wow , I got it right. That’s the hardest part of my day, just so you know. But, so you’re a personal trainer at the gym I go to, Naples Family Fitness.

Alyssa Tombazzi: Yes.

Captain Brien: And we started talking, and you have a great story about how you’ve become a personal trainer because you were bullied as a child.

Alyssa Tombazzi: Correct.

Captain Brien: And I think that’s really important, because there’s so many people out there that are actually facing the same situation, and you’ve been able to not only overcome that, but, you’re thriving on it.

Alyssa Tombazzi: Yes.

Captain Brien: And, I wanna know why and how. How we can help other people as well who have faced this type of situation as a child, or even during, you know, their adult life. People do it all the time, right?

Alyssa Tombazzi: Yes, it happened, bullying definitely happens as a child and goes into adulthood if you don’t know how to deal with it when you’re young. And I found it when I was 16, I started weight training religiously. I was in the gym every day. And slowly my confidence started to go up–

Captain Brien: I’m gonna share this on your page, or did you?

Alyssa Tombazzi: I did not yet.

Captain Brien: You didn’t, okay, we’re gonna share it. We’re gonna share it on her page too because we want to know all your little fans out there to watch it.

Alyssa Tombazzi: Hi fans.

Captain Brien: Yes, yes. All right, there you go. So yeah, so tell me how basically, how it happened, what you were going through, and how you fed off of that to turn your life into, you know, an occupation and a lifestyle of fitness.

Alyssa Tombazzi: It definitely is a lifestyle. I was bullied so bad as a kid to the point where if I hadn’t found fitness, I would not be here talking to you today and I’m very open and honest about that and I think a lot of people struggle with that and they keep it very private and they don’t wanna discuss it because it’s a taboo subject or it’s something that we just can’t be open about. And I’ve shared my story with a lot of people recently and they’ve all suffered from the same types of things so it’s really amazing to hear that. So I was 16 and I was in a gym class and they made us do weight training for a week and believe it or not I sat out in gym all the time.

Captain Brien: You didn’t go?

Alyssa Tombazzi: I didn’t go.

Captain Brien: Because you felt so inadequate because of the bullying? Insecure from the bullying. So tell me before we get into like more of the story, did you know you were being bullied all the time, like or you just knew that you hated certain people? How was that?

Alyssa Tombazzi: I never hated anyone. I personally think I’m super easy to get along with, I’m nice, I have my opinions, but I can always put those aside. I knew I was being bullied. I’d have it face to face, I’d have it on social media which was AIM instant messenger back in the day. So it was even back then and I had it behind my back and I’d hear stories and I you know, I heard it all the time. And I didn’t really know how to deal with it. I didn’t know how to deal with those people that would say cruel things to me and when I found fitness it just built my confidence up slowly.

Captain Brien: Was there a pivot point? Was there like one incident that really bothered you that said okay, I’m like, I’m done with this. I’m not going to continue to have these feelings. People aren’t gonna treat me like this.

Alyssa Tombazzi: Yes, I think it was when I was at a fair in my home town and I had these jeans on that supposedly made me look fat and right after that I got some nasty messages on Instant Messenger saying that I was really fat and they wanted to see my pants size and it just, it crushed me.

Captain Brien: Yeah, I mean that’s, so for anybody to go through that, I think it’s awful. I have two kids right now, a 12 year old daughter and a 13 year old son and I see some of the messages between Snapchat and Instagram and like, it’s every other week where I’m like, okay that apps gone because I just saw like a message that was completely outrageous and nobody should talk to anybody like that.

Alyssa Tombazzi: That’s terrible.

Captain Brien: And they do it in group chats. So it’s even worse now, like, I can’t imagine any of it being good, but now I think the level of how easily it is spread and how much you could hurt somebody’s feelings and this is not something that happens just in the moment, like this lasted with you still to this day.

Alyssa Tombazzi: Oh yes, I still can go back to those feelings and still feel them, but I know I’ve overcome it, but I mean there’s adult bullies, let’s be honest. I mean, I deal with it every day. And at this point I have thicker skin and I know how to handle it, but I’ve I can’t tell you how many rumors I’ve heard about myself in this town that aren’t true. And I go back and I’m like do you believe what you’re telling me?

Captain Brien: Right, why is that something? The thing that gets me is that, is that why is that the most important thing of their day or life at the time that they have to be so driven to talk about other people.

Alyssa Tombazzi: ‘Cause they have nothing else important in their life.

Captain Brien: Right, so those are the negative people. You have to just tune those out, tell them goodbye, I’m not interested, you’re not part of my life anymore. I have nothing to do with you, you don’t exist. That’s how I deal with it.

Alyssa Tombazzi: Focus on the positive people in your life and that’s the whole reason I’m here is I wanna talk about finding an outlet. And it doesn’t necessarily have to be fitness like, obviously that’s what I preach, that’s my lifestyle, but there’s so many other things out there. It could be music, it could be art, it could volunteering with animals, I mean it could literally be anything that you find as your outlet that separates your mind from that stuff that’s negative.

Captain Brien: Absolutely, so you were 16, you wore jeans, you thought they looked hot, someone said you were you were fat in the jeans which is outrageous, but as kids in that age group, I mean I see it from even when my kids were 10, and they’re 12 and 13 now. It’s gonna last all the way, you know, as long as I’ll be a dad having to manage a social media. Hopefully after 18 they’re old enough to tell somebody off, but they do have to deal with it. So you dealt with it in a way where, was that like, so after that you woke up the next day and you said you know what I kinda like working out, or how did it work?

Alyssa Tombazzi: Oh I instantly fell in love with it because as I mentioned I was terrible at sports. I have no hand eye coordination whatsoever and I’m very honest about that. So as I picked up those weights in that gym it just, something clicked and I felt at home and I felt like this is where I belong and it took me a long time to figure out that I wanted to make a career out of it. I went back and forth a lot and wasn’t really sure, tried a lot of different careers, but as soon as I did that weight training class in gym, I joined my rack like within a week and again I felt like I was at home. It’s just always been my go to place when I’m feeling down or sad or whatever it is.

Captain Brien: So I played baseball in college and I always was driven by like wanting to win, wanting to be the best, wanting to be on the team no matter which level I played on, wanted to start, yeah I was very competitive. So did that come like, you have to have that. When you’re in the gym you may not have that that like killer instinct 24/7, but you have to have like a commitment to wanna do this every single day. And you teach that now based on what you’ve been through?

Alyssa Tombazzi: Yes, based on everything that I’ve been through. I like to show people my before and after pictures so they know that and I hae them on my Instagram so they’re all on there.

Captain Brien: You totally transformed, I mean you’re literally a picture of fitness right now and when you were 16 I mean, you weren’t in this kind of shape.

Alyssa Tombazzi: No, definitely not. I look better today than I did as a teenager.

Captain Brien: Yeah, yeah, and you look younger. It’s amazing like do you–

Alyssa Tombazzi: I’ll take that.

Captain Brien: Every day, is it a healthy option, is it the working out? Tell me like what your regimen is and then how you, how people can find you as well because they may wanna use you as their trainer as well.

Alyssa Tombazzi: Yes, I think it’s just a combination of everything. I’m not perfect, I still have a lot of things and goals that I wanna accomplish. I don’t eat perfect, but I definitely watch what I eat. A lot of, obviously a lot of dedication in the gym. Probably there five to six days a week so it’s definitely religiously for me. I’m there all the time.

Captain Brien: And I wanna interrupt because I realized that when we started talking, not only do you work out at a gym and you’re a personal trainer, but you also have another job. So anybody who says that they can’t do this because they don’t have time, right? I mean you don’t need that much time. We talked about it even. Even myself like, I don’t have to ride 30, 40 minutes a day on bike before I go to the gym, I go to the gym for 25 to 40 minutes a day, so I could do everything in 25 minutes if I wanted to.

Alyssa Tombazzi: Oh yeah, there’s no excuses. I’m not a person that listens to excuses because I have a lot on my plate. I’m always doing something, I’m always busy, there’s a lot going on and what’s 30 minutes out of your day? It’s nothing.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Alyssa Tombazzi: And if you set that time, and I teach my clients that, like I tell them, I’m very honest, if you train with me two days a week you will not see results. It’s not realistic, it can’t happen. And I put them on a very strict regimen. I’m like, I’m constantly texting and calling them. Hey did you workout today? You know what’s your diet been like? I’m reviewing their diet, I’m looking into digging deeper than just training them two days a week because that’s not gonna get them anywhere.

Captain Brien: Right, you really wanna see results. You push for results and give them your Instagram handle ’cause I think that’s one of your most popular social media is on Instagram. You are?

Alyssa Tombazzi: It’s l-y-s-s 818 and underscore.

Captain Brien: Okay and so you can find Alyssa, you can also look at the comments because we’ll put her at in there as well and that’s where they can find you and you’re at Naples Family Fitness so you can ask for Alyssa and Kelsey, what’s going on? Raphael how are you buddy? Jen, Grant, everybody’s on today. Sorry I didn’t get to shout out some of the other people, the names are coming up fast and we’re driving and talking and sometimes the sunlight sees the camera here so it’s hard to read all of them, but thanks guys for watching. We’re talking today about being bullied at actually all ages really, right? So when you had those feelings, what did your family say? Did you tell people about them or how?

Alyssa Tombazzi: Yes, I usually did. I went home crying a lot, I’m not gonna lie. And my family was all bullied, they all suffered from the same thing so it kinda runs in the family and they never really taught me how to deal with it. They kinda just, they felt bad. So I think in a way you have to, if you have kids or you have people that are being bullied around you, you need to teach them ways to cope with it, not just feel bad because the sympathy it doesn’t really help that much. It helps a little bit, but you need to teach them skills and how to deal with those people because they’re gonna be in your life forever.

Captain Brien: And so what, give me a couple good good bit of advice that you do right now even at your adult age when you’re feeling like somebody’s doing that.

Alyssa Tombazzi: Honestly it’s just in the moment. You just have to know how to handle that person in the moment, sometimes you just have to walk away, sometimes you have to say something that catches them off guard. There’s always gonna be people that say cruel things to you and have their opinions. Like I said I hear a lot of rumors about myself come back around, and I’ll say do you believe that? And then that’s it. And then they kinda just give me that look and I’m like okay, well, that kinda answers that questions.

Captain Brien: Yeah a lot of times they say kinda facing you know the fact that like, I’m not gonna be pushed around, right, by you just because you think that you’re entitled to do so.

Alyssa Tombazzi: Exactly and it’s because they’re insecure. They have their insecurities and they wanna bring other people down with them. And that’s what people have to remember if you are being bullied, remember that those people are very insecure, they’re hurting. One of my bullies committed suicide. If that doesn’t tell you anything, I mean that’s huge right there.

Captain Brien: Of course.

Alyssa Tombazzi: It happens, and they’re suffering from things that we don’t understand so a lot of times I go back to that old saying hurt people, hurt people.

Captain Brien: That’ true.

Alyssa Tombazzi: It sounds very cliche but it’s very true.

Captain Brien: It is true, it is true. And you know, it’s a topic that I think most of the people out there have faced I’m sure, whether it’s someone in their family, themselves, or their kids or anybody and it’s just really something that I wish you could snap your fingers and put a stop to it because I have paid when I see my kids, you know, having to deal with these messages or it’s the worst on Snapchat. They’ll do private groups and then they can’t, oh they’re not allowed in that group or they’ll let somebody in the group who they don’t want in the group and they just let them in the group to make fun of them. It’s like why do you guys continue to do this? Like this is not healthy for anybody. So I feel the pain for all of that as well. And it’s like, it’s almost addictive for the children these days where if they’re not somehow knowing what’s goin on in all these circles, they feel like oh okay, well I’m left out now.

Alyssa Tombazzi: It’s faux mall, they’re missing out a hundred percent. They feel like they have to know everything, even if they’re getting bullied, it’s almost, it almost becomes an addiction like well what are these people saying about me and sometimes it’s better not to know. Because if it’s not nice things, you don’t need to know it.

Captain Brien: Yeah, I mean I’ll take the phone away, I’ll just delete all the apps and I have it locked up so she can’t get to the app store because I just delete that too, they can’t even use it. And then she’s like, it’ll be a few weeks will go by and she’s like okay can I have snapchat back? Or can I have Instagram back? And I’ll be like yeah, but if I see another thing on there, we’re gonna have a big problem again. And then it’s just done. So she’s, like she understands that you know that, dad’s always watching you, but–

Alyssa Tombazzi: But that’s awesome you monitor her.

Captain Brien: I think that I’m one of the you know, the only dads that’s really into social media that these kids like they all know that I’m on social media all the time, so they’ll follow me or whatever, but like I don’t think their parents know a lot about what they’re doing and how it’s affecting them.

Alyssa Tombazzi: If you ‘re not monitoring it, you’re just, you’re just as guilty as your kids and I really, I wanna say it starts with the parents or the teachers, I mean, where do kids learn bullying from? They learn it from the adults that they’re around. The don’t just randomly start picking on people for no reason. They’re learning it so I think it just comes down to being aware of what you’re saying when you have children around or have young people that are very, you know, they pick up they absorb everything that you say and you have to be so careful because, it definitely comes from the adults. I hundred percent think it starts there. If we don’t stop that, then it will never stop in schools.

Captain Brien: I agree, I agree totally about some of these things at school, and the schools they seem a little clueless, they go after certain situations that to me are so minuscule and they should focus on like the big picture of the whole scenario and not just an individual that made a post, or somebody whose doing something. Like they should teach them like, nonstop about this instead of you know like, they kinda harbor on certain just, events individually. And I think that that sometimes draws more attention ’cause then the curiosity the kids wanna know, well what did he say? How did he do it? What’s going on? Right right, yeah.

Alyssa Tombazzi: That feeds into it, and there honestly, there could be teachers that are bullies, and I’m not calling anyone out.

Captain Brien: No, no the teachers’ doing a great job. But I think the school system needs to develop a way that they can help with this for sure, yeah.

Alyssa Tombazzi: And I think even having people that have, and I think everybody can relate. Every one’s been bullied at least once or twice in their life and if they haven’t they probably weren’t aware of it. And I think it would start with people like me and other people that have been bullied going to schools and talking about it openly and telling these kids like the words that you say today can effect that person for the rest of their life. It’s not gonna just be today. That carries over the rest of their life and it’s something that you really have to think carefully about. There’s a difference between saying something hurtful and joking around with someone. You could easily just joke around with someone but you have to know your limits with people especially when they’re extremely sensitive. And some people are and I’m a lot better now. I was a lot more sensitive as a child, but like I said those carry through and they effect everything you do with your life. Everything.

Captain Brien: Well we appreciate you coming on. It’s obviously a topic that still to this day it haunts you like you’re driven by this and it takes a lot of courage to come on and tell people that yeah, I was bullied, and I want to change other people’s lives. So go see Alyssa, go workout with her. She is super motivated and super talented. She’s gonna get you, whip your butt in shape out there. I see Charles is on there, he used to be at the gym. I know he’s moved now, but I wanna say hi, what’s going on? And Jade, how are you? Guys, listen this is the Captain’s Log. I’ll be live tomorrow with Doctor Dollar, we’re gonna teach you how to make your brain healthy. Healthy brains, healthy lives, me and Doctor Dollar tomorrow. Tune in 2:30 live. Thank you for your time, I appreciate it Alyssa. Guys we’re gonna be out.

Epsiode 257 That One Time I Slept on Vince Vaughn’s Couch

Comedian Ahmed Ahmed joins the #naplescaptainslog and discusses living in Malaysia and the culture, how he knew he wanted to be a comedian, and tells us the time he slept on Vince Vaughn’s couch!

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Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #naplescaptainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free and Gluten Free Vodka, Barrel Aged Dark Rum, White Rum, and Gin!

Check Comedian Ahmed Ahmed out and show him some love at:


Miss something on one of our episodes of the #naplescaptainslog? Don’t worry we got you covered! Here you will find a full transcript from this episode of the #naplescaptainslog!

Captain Brien: We’re gonna be live in a second. And we’re live! This is the Captain’s Log with Ahmed Ahmed.

Ahmed Ahmed: Hey.

Captain Brien: Thanks buddy, appreciate you coming on the show!

Ahmed Ahmed: Hey, thanks for having me.

Captain Brien: All the way from Malaysia.

Ahmed Ahmed: Yes.

Captain Brien: That must be amazing, so, you could scroll it down and do that little side now.

Ahmed Ahmed: Can I do that?

Captain Brien: Share, yeah yeah, when you’re done with your happy dance.

Ahmed Ahmed: Happy to see you, pal.

Captain Brien: Oh, so it’s a good time, it really is, I appreciate you reaching out to me all the way from–

Ahmed Ahmed: Here we are.

Captain Brien: Malaysia!

Ahmed Ahmed: So share, right?

Captain Brien: When, yeah, you hit the share button and then you could show your people that you’re actually in the US, right?

Ahmed Ahmed: Yes.

Captain Brien: ‘Cause you’ve been in Malaysia for three years?

Ahmed Ahmed: A year.

Captain Brien: A year.

Ahmed Ahmed: I moved to Malaysia January last year.

Captain Brien: January last year.

Ahmed Ahmed: Just over a year.

Captain Brien: It feels like three years.

Ahmed Ahmed: It does kind of, I kind of feel like I got stuck in time when I moved to Asia.

Captain Brien: Is it, is that because things move differently out there, or?

Ahmed Ahmed: Well, it’s a little bit of a slower culture.

Captain Brien: It is.

Ahmed Ahmed: You know things just don’t move as quickly.

Captain Brien: What about the technology?

Ahmed Ahmed: Technology is just the same, it’s the same. I just think because it’s, you have to remember, it’s also very hot and humid country.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: So people, like, tend to not wanna work as hard, just ’cause it’s so hot, like you think Florida is hot and humid–

Captain Brien:What’s the average?

Ahmed Ahmed: You ain’t seen nothing.

Ahmed Ahmed: Man, on any given day, like–

Captain Brien: You might have to talk a little louder we’re not mic’d.

Ahmed Ahmed: Oh, hi, can you hear me everybody? .

Captain Brien: Yes .

Ahmed Ahmed: On any given day in Malaysia, it can get up to a hundred degrees, and then a–

Captain Brien: But it’s humid, right?

Ahmed Ahmed: A hundred percent humidity.

Captain Brien: Oh.

Ahmed Ahmed: So you just walk outside, poof, you’re just sweating.

Captain Brien: Yeah, instantly.

Ahmed Ahmed: Instantly, and, which sucks, ’cause then you have to go to a place where you have to look presentable and you’re like dripping sweat.

Captain Brien: Right, right.

Ahmed Ahmed: The good news is that they have air conditioning everywhere you go.

Captain Brien: Serious? So it’s not like you’re in like little rickshaws running around?

Ahmed Ahmed: No, it’s not, it’s not Thailand .

Captain Brien: Yeah .

Ahmed Ahmed: It’s not, it’s not Bangkok.

Captain Brien: It’s not, it’s not.

Ahmed Ahmed: No.

Captain Brien: But it’s like all, everything is the same as we have here or what?

Ahmed Ahmed: Yeah, I mean, Malaysia for many years was considered a third world country.

Captain Brien: Okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: Now it’s being called a developing country.

Captain Brien:- Hmm-mm.

Ahmed Ahmed: And in 2020, I’m just gonna tag you on that.

Captain Brien: Okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: In 2020 it’s gonna be, it’s gonna be announced a, A developed country.

Captain Brien: This is good for the show.

Ahmed Ahmed: Sorry .

Captain Brien: This is good for the show. I like that, I like the actual pause.

Ahmed Ahmed: Did you show that already?

Captain Brien: I did, I did.

Ahmed Ahmed: Oh, I was gonna share it to both my pages.

Captain Brien: You could do it the other one now.

Ahmed Ahmed: Can I do it now?

Captain Brien: Yeah, you can do it the same time anyway.

Ahmed Ahmed: Oh, okay.

Captain Brien: So you had to do one in a time.

Ahmed Ahmed: Oh, okay.

Captain Brien: And, very interesting, I would, I kinda wanna go out there because I did do Hong Kong and China and stuff, but I didn’t spend enough time that I got to live the culture and everything else.

Ahmed Ahmed: I think, I think you would like Asia

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: Well Malaysia specifically, but as I was mentioning earlier you know, you have 45 minutes away Singapore, Thailand, you know, an hour and 20 minutes, Philippines, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Japan is a six hour flight, it’s like all kinda right there.

Captain Brien: With a lot of U.S influence?

Ahmed Ahmed: A lot, like, you can honestly feel like you are in Times Square, New York City when you’re in the Downtown part of Kuala Lumpur.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: And it’s, you know , skyscrapers, nice fine dining restaurants, speakeasy bars, you know lounges,

Captain Brien: Strip clubs?

Ahmed Ahmed: Fast foods. There aren’t any strip clubs.

Captain Brien: Really?

Ahmed Ahmed: But they do have these kind of, I don’t know what you call them,

Captain Brien: Do they have karaoke bars?

Ahmed Ahmed: They do have karaoke.

Captain Brien: Ah.

Ahmed Ahmed: I actually felt like–

Captain Brien: Where there’s very little karaoke going on in those bars?

Ahmed Ahmed: No they have, they actually do have like, you know, the proper karaoke rooms where you get a room–

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: And just you and your friends and like the little, sort of box–

Captain Brien: And do they have the little Geisha Girls come out?

Ahmed Ahmed: Well some of the nightclubs do,

Captain Brien: Yes.

Ahmed Ahmed: But they, and they don’t have any strip clubs, but they have this, and I’ve never been to it, but there’s a couple of these places where you like, you go in and you like, have to buy a woman a rose and then she’ll come and sit on your lap and have a drink and it’s like that kind of thing. I haven’t done that.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: But I’ve driven past this establishment a couple times. But, you know, there’s also, and again this exists all over the world, but you know, there is quite a bit of prostitution.

Captain Brien: Okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: You know–

Captain Brien: But it’s not legal.

Ahmed Ahmed: No, I mean, Asia, it’s kind of all over Asia, but–

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: You know, they have like their massage parlors and they’re like, whatever.

Captain Brien: Right.

Ahmed Ahmed: Dodgy, happy-ending spots and that kinda thing.

Captain Brien: Sure, sure.

Ahmed Ahmed: But, but no, no strip clubs, but great night life scene, the company I worked for, LOL Events, we, there’s like, there’s this leading comedy, events company in Malaysia. And so they’ve hosted everybody, Kevin Hart, Margaret Cho, Russell Peters, Jeff Dunham, Fluffy.

Captain Brien: And the people know these acts from the internet obviously.

Ahmed Ahmed: Yeah, so–

Captain Brien: Is the TV very similar to our TV? Or is it completely different?

Ahmed Ahmed: So they have a local station that’s called Astro, their local station does like Malaysia, local Malaysian content. So, their language there is Bahasa, so they’ll speak, they’ll, have a lot of programming and adsense of Bahasa.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: But they’re trying to cross over to more American content. That’s kind of why I moved there, was to–

Captain Brien: Okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: Help develop the content creation inside of the company, film, television, that kinda thing.

Captain Brien: Do they like us in the U.S?

Ahmed Ahmed: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you know, there’s a lot of U.S influence in Malaysia, you know–

Captain Brien: So you’re cooler, are you cooler if you’re from the U.S over there?

Captain Brien: Do they like that?

Ahmed Ahmed: I don’t think people really give that much of a shit about it.

Captain Brien: Okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: But they do like American brands.

Captain Brien: They do.

Ahmed Ahmed: So anything, anything that’s like, that was started in the west, that caught on.

Captain Brien: Right.

Ahmed Ahmed: Will take off in Malaysia.

Captain Brien: Thank God.

Ahmed Ahmed: And everything from like clothes to food, pop culture, music.

Captain Brien: They just gravitate towards it, they love that.

Ahmed Ahmed: Yeah like Guns N Roses was just there last year.

Captain Brien: Okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: Like for the third time.

Captain Brien: Right.

Ahmed Ahmed: And like who would’ve ever thought Guns N Roses–

Captain Brien: Right, a little extra.

Ahmed Ahmed: And they’re performing, it was raining too, like they were out doors and people are just like, yeah! You know, PAradise City!.

Captain Brien: That’s fun, that’s a good time, though.

Ahmed Ahmed: But you, I think you’d love it man, it’s, I do miss my family and friends and the U.S, but I’m just gigging Asia right now.

Captain Brien: Cool.

Ahmed Ahmed: I wrote this new hour of material, I’m gonna try it all this weekend.

Captain Brien: Speaking of new material, you are performing this weekend at Off the Hook Comedy Club.

Ahmed Ahmed: Yes.

Captain Brien: Get tickets at

Ahmed Ahmed: Yes.

Captain Brien: They can find you on Instagram @ahmedahmed?

Ahmed Ahmed: Yeah, it’s @ahmedcomedy A-H-M-E-D comedy, that’s also my Twitter handle.

Captain Brien: Tell me about the first time you hopped on stage, what was that like, how did you know you wanted to be a comedian?

Ahmed Ahmed: Well, I actually started out as an actor.

Captain Brien: Okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: I was always funny as a kid, cracking jokes, do like school plays and I was considered like, the class clown in school and, I was never the guy who would put like a tack on the teacher’s desk or–

Captain Brien: Okay, yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: Chair, I wasn’t that guy.

Captain Brien: You weren’t the prankster.

Ahmed Ahmed: I wasn’t the prankster, but–

Captain Brien:  You were just a funny dude.

Ahmed Ahmed: I was just a funny guy, I’d be in the corner like, cracking jokes and get people to laugh and I was always in the detention room and that. But I never took it seriously–

Captain Brien: Same here.

Ahmed Ahmed: You were the same guy?

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: I never took it seriously though, and then, like the comedy side of it. And then I grew up watching a lot of like, dramatic film, so I was like, you know, Robert De Niro, Clint Eastwood, Denzel Washington, all these dramatic actors–

Captain Brien: And those were your heroes?

Ahmed Ahmed: They fascinated me, ’cause I was like, you know, they were just a great screen presence and I was literally living in movie theaters. You know, remember the days where you’d go buy a ticket for one movie, then you sneak in to like 10 other movies.

Captain Brien: Yeah yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: I’d spend 10 hours at the movie theater on the weekends.

Captain Brien: Really? I did that like once in my life.

Ahmed Ahmed: I did it almost every weekend, just–

Captain Brien: Wow!

Ahmed Ahmed: I did it to escape from my house, ’cause I didn’t like being home .

Captain Brien: Okay, okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: I had like strict parents–

Captain Brien: I probably didn’t do it ’cause I never had that much time, I was running from one athletic event to the next, to the next, to the next.

Ahmed Ahmed: Yeah, I wasn’t that active when I was a kid, but I was active, but I wasn’t into sports and stuff.

Captain Brien: How do I say Hireem? Hireem, he’s a comedian, right?

Ahmed Ahmed: Hiram, Hiram.

Captain Brien: He’s a comedian, yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: Hiram.

Captain Brien: Jennifer Allen, what’s up guys.

Ahmed Ahmed: Allen, what’s up everybody.

Captain Brien: Welcome to the Captain’s Log.

Ahmed Ahmed: Jennifer, how you doing?

Captain Brien: Say hi to Ahmed Ahmed.

Ahmed Ahmed: If you guys are in Annapolis, come to the shows this weekend.

Captain Brien: Yeah, we got a great show coming your way. Two tonight, two tomorrow, and one Sunday, Mother’s Day.

Ahmed Ahmed: Oh yeah, Mother’s Day celebration–

Captain Brien: It’s a good show.

Ahmed Ahmed: Come laugh with us on Mother’s Day.

Captain Brien: Yeah, yeah. You gotta bring your mom out, hang out with us. So, you was telling me, so far haven’t answered my question.

Ahmed Ahmed: Oh, yeah, so, so, I–

Captain Brien: Who’s more AD, me or you?

Ahmed Ahmed: I think together, we have–

Captain Brien: Yeah, okay, okay, that’s good.

Ahmed Ahmed: ADHD .

Captain Brien: Yes, I agree.

Ahmed Ahmed: So I just kind of, I moved to Hollywood when I was 19.

Captain Brien: Yup.

Ahmed Ahmed: I started working as an actor, I played a lot of terrorists in a lot of movies.

Captain Brien: Shocking.

Ahmed Ahmed: Shocking!

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: So, I was in Executive Decision, where I played terrorist number four, I was in, I was in the first Iron Man movie.

Captain Brien: Yeah, you were.

Ahmed Ahmed: So I helped kick-start the Marvel Universe, you’re welcome. But then they killed me.

Captain Brien: Right.

Ahmed Ahmed: Well that was fun, and then I just, I, the problem with Hollywood is, Hollywood, is that you, you don’t get a lot of opportunities to, to play other parts other than what your stereotype is.

Captain Brien: Right, once they cast you kinda that way.

Ahmed Ahmed: That’s it. Unless you are lucky enough to do a part in a movie–

Captain Brien: Unless you’re like Matt Damon or,

Ahmed Ahmed: Yeah like you write your own ticket, you know Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, they wrote Good Will Hunting, they won an Oscar, then they could do whatever they want.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: You know, you gotta, you kinda gotta get kissed into the party, you know, Hollywood. And I just never really did, they wanted me to change my name I didn’t wanna do it. Anyway, fast forward I quit acting, I ran out of money, I actually slept–

Captain Brien: Very typical.

Ahmed Ahmed: Very typical, I slept–

Captain Brien: Hollywood dream.

Ahmed Ahmed: Hollywood dream, I slept on my old buddy, Vince Vaughn’s couch, for about a year.

Captain Brien: He’s kinda famous.

Ahmed Ahmed: He’s a little famous.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: You probably heard of him.

Captain Brien: How did you get hooked up with Vince Vaughn, to sleep on his couch?

Ahmed Ahmed: So we met,

Captain Brien: You can’t jump into that.

Ahmed Ahmed: No, well I met him before he was famous.

Captain Brien: Okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: We did it after, well not we, I was an extra in an afterschool special that he was the co-star in,

Captain Brien: Okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: And we met on that thing. And you know, do you know the Peter Billingsley?

Captain Brien: I know the name, yes.

Ahmed Ahmed: He used to be an actor.

Captain Brien: Yes.

Ahmed Ahmed: Now he’s a producer, director–

Captain Brien: Okay, right.

Ahmed Ahmed: He was Ralphie in Christmas story.

Captain Brien: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: So he produces, now he produces all of Vince Vaughn’s movies and runs a production company, but he was the star of this afterschool special at the time. Vince played the best friend. It was a story about this young kid nerd, who wanted to impress this girl, but she only dated jocks,

Captain Brien: Right.

Ahmed Ahmed: So he joined the track team, but he wasn’t fast enough, so he took steroids.

Captain Brien: Okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: And then Vince Vaughn was the friend who’s like, don’t do drugs, I’m gonna tell the coach.

Captain Brien: And this was an afterschool special.

Ahmed Ahmed: An afterschool special that I was an extra–

Captain Brien: Do they still do afterschool specials?

Ahmed Ahmed: CBS school break special, I think they call them now.

Captain Brien: Really.

Ahmed Ahmed: I don’t know, I remember back in the days–

Captain Brien: Afterschool special for that age, is probably a thirty second clip.

Ahmed Ahmed: Yeah. .

Captain Brien: And they watch six of them and they’re done.

Ahmed Ahmed: Right. Almost like a weather .

Captain Brien: Right, right.

Ahmed Ahmed: So then we met, I was an extra, I played one of the guys on the track team who, when I found out Peter’s character took steroids, I kinda like, roll my eyes.

Captain Brien: Is this leading up to how the hell you became a comic?

Ahmed Ahmed: So this is how I met, so yeah, so when I started out as an actor, ’cause you asked me how I met Vince.

Captain Brien: Yes.

Ahmed Ahmed: That’s how I met him. So we met, we became friends, I started taking acting classes, and then the first part of the story, me doing all the terrorist parts and all of that. Then I got sick of it, I ran out of money. Vince offered me his couch.

Captain Brien: Yep.

Ahmed Ahmed: At this point he and I–

Captain Brien: That was cool of him.

Ahmed Ahmed: Yeah, he had just done the movie, Swingers.

Captain Brien: Yeah!

Ahmed Ahmed: And then he launched him to stardom right after that and he was traveling around the world filming movies. So he’s like, hey, just stay at my place while I’m gone, and he’s always super nice and supportive and, such a smart, funny, awesome businessman and just cool friend. And then I was starting waiting tables at Kevin Costner’s restaurant, actually.

Captain Brien: Okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: He used to own a restaurant called Twin Palms in Pasadena.

Captain Brien: That must be like, that must have been like the cool place if you were aspiring actor, to work at his place.

Ahmed Ahmed: This was when Kevin Costner was like at the top of his game.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: And so he opened this like beautiful 500 seat, indoor, outdoor country–

Captain Brien: ‘Cause he had needed a tax break.

Ahmed Ahmed: He needed a task break.

Captain Brien: He needed to lose more money.

Ahmed Ahmed: He needed to lose more money, so opened his restaurant with his wife. Him and Cindy Costner owned it, and I was the head waiter there–

Captain Brien: Okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: And I was making a lot of money as a waiter ’cause I was making my customers laugh.

Captain Brien: Of course.

Ahmed Ahmed: And I thought, why don’t I just get rid of the food and just do the funny? And so that’s kinda how it all started, I got, you know, I made a lot of money as a waiter and I was just like, you know what, let me just try stand up and I did one night, I went up on stage in front of 40 comics, did a open mic, and then I killed,

Captain Brien: Which is not typical.

Ahmed Ahmed: Which is not typical and then I bombed for like–

Captain Brien: That’s normal, right.

Ahmed Ahmed: ‘Cause I thought I was so good.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: I didn’t realize, oh this is a craft, you have to take it seriously, and right jokes and know your timing and–

Captain Brien: Yeah, the stars can’t align every night you get on stage, you actually have that material.

Ahmed Ahmed: Bro, I bombed just the other night, at a open mic night. Kind of on accident too, I was at the Comedy Inn in Miami, killing every night, awesome shows and then I go to this open mic on a Monday just to like, just to see what was up in downtown Miami, and I aided so bad. But it felt good, it was–

Captain Brien: Yeah, it should.

Ahmed Ahmed: It was like a humbling experience,

Captain Brien: Right, right.

Ahmed Ahmed: And it grounded me. ‘Cause comics–

Captain Brien: You work on new material, sometimes that’s why you work on it.

Ahmed Ahmed: You gotta fail to succeed.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: So I just, I started doing standup, I got pretty good at it, I started running comedy rooms, because I couldn’t get booked at the major comedy clubs.

Captain Brien: Right.

Ahmed Ahmed: So I just started, I started this room called Dublin’s, with a guy named Jay Davids,

Captain Brien: Yeah, I know Jay well.

Ahmed Ahmed: So now he books, he’s the vice, VP of talent at the Laugh Factory now.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: So him and I started a room in Hollywood, at a place called Dublin’s, Bubblin in Dublin Jay Z?

Captain Brien: Yep, yep.

Ahmed Ahmed: Every Tuesday night, rain or shine. Dane Cook, Dave Chappelle, Joe Rogan, Carlos Mencia–

Captain Brien: Sick shows.

Ahmed Ahmed: Like, because we were writing between the Laugh Factory and the Comedy Store, so we were the hub, for like cool, and we had like, celebrities would come every week, hot chicks, librarians, doctors.

Captain Brien: How long has Jay had that title at the Laugh Factory these days?

Ahmed Ahmed: About, just over a year.

Captain Brien: Okay, okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And, so he’s, he’s booking all the talent at the Laugh Factory.

Captain Brien: That’s great.

Ahmed Ahmed: So he started that room, one night, who you know very well, Pauly Shore came in.

Captain Brien: Yep.

Ahmed Ahmed: Pauly Shore came in with like five hot playboy play bates. And he was like, ‘hey buddy, what’s up buddy?’

Captain Brien: Hasn’t changed.

Ahmed Ahmed: What’s up buddy?

Captain Brien: Hasn’t changed a bit.

Ahmed Ahmed: He’s like, ‘hey why don’t you guys come in?’ Well, we said, ‘hey do you wanna go on stage?’ And he said, ‘sure’, he went up on stage, he killed it. He came out, what’s up Douggy, what’s up Allen.

Captain Brien: Hey Doug, Allen, what’s going on?

Ahmed Ahmed: So, Pauly goes on stage, he has a great set, he comes off stage, and he’s like, ‘why don’t you guys ‘come to my mom’s club and do a night there?’ The Comedy Store, Mitzi Shore. So we did, we called the show Rot Comedy.

Captain Brien: Okay.

Ahmed Ahmed: Jay hosted, I would throw myself up at the lineup every week, we took the best of the best from Dublin’s and put them on at the Comedy Store. So it was Sam Tripoli, Sebastian Maniscalco,

Captain Brien: All great comics.

Ahmed Ahmed: You know, murderers, right.

Captain Brien: Right.

Ahmed Ahmed: And then, Mitzi Shore was in the room one night, and she caught my set, and she came out to me afterwards and she said, ‘hey you’re very funny’, that’s what she talks.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: Hey, you’re very funny. I said thanks, she said, ‘are you, are you Arabic?’

Ahmed Ahmed: I said, ‘Arabic, oh yeah.’ She goes, ‘oh from where?’ I said, I’m from Egypt. She goes, ‘oh, you know we used to be your slaves.’ And she walked away, and I was like, ‘oof, that wasn’t good’

Captain Brien: Yeah yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: And then I got a call the next day and they’re like, she wants to make you a paid regular.

Captain Brien: That’s it, boom!

Ahmed Ahmed: Sounds like, oh now I work for you.

Captain Brien: That was great!

Ahmed Ahmed: So, and so that’s how I got of the Comedy Store, then I eventually got at the Laugh Factory and the improv and I started kinda make my way around the comedy scene and then I ended up touring the world, I got in a sitcom with Steve Burns, Vince Vaughn producer and Peter Billingsley And then you know, I just kinda made my way around Hollywood for 20 plus years and,

Captain Brien: Been touring.

Ahmed Ahmed: Touring and–

Captain Brien: Playing all the comedy clubs in the country.

Ahmed Ahmed: Playing all the comedy clubs, you know I’m really lucky to like, to have established some great relationships with, you know, awesome people like yourself. Not everybody wants to book a comic through a comic, they wanna go through an agent and a manager And, I was shocked how many club-bookers were like, yeah have your agent book me or you know, I was just like, okay, I can talk to you.

Captain Brien: Right. Well it goes the opposite way too when you reach out to a comic and they’re like, ‘hey talk to my agent.’

Ahmed Ahmed: Talk to my agent. And then you have to jump through all those groups.

Captain Brien: Yeah, yeah.

Ahmed Ahmed: I guess it goes both ways.

Captain Brien: So it does go both ways. Well guys, my guest Ahmed Ahmed gonna be at Off The Hook comedy club this weekend. This is the Captain’s Log, thanks for watching. Hey Keith, before I say goodbye, I wanna say hello. I’ll see everybody tomorrow–

Ahmed Ahmed: What’s up guys.

Captain Brien: At the–

Ahmed Ahmed: Tee Bone, My buddy.

Captain Brien: Great City.canooeaces. Hey Tee Bone in the house, what’s up from Dubai. Honey, how are you?

Ahmed Ahmed: Hey guys.

Captain Brien: Anyway guys, we are out, I will be live tomorrow from the canoe races in Naples, Florida. I love you guys the most, we’re back.

Ahmed Ahmed: Thanks brother, cheers.

Captain Brien: See you tomorrow, we’re out.

Epsiode 256 Songs, Cars and Guitars!

Comedian J Chris Newberg joins the #naplescaptainslog and sings us some improv songs on his guitar! Tune in “Little Buddies!”

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Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #naplescaptainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free and Gluten Free Vodka, Barrel Aged Dark Rum, White Rum, and Gin!

Check Comedian J Chris Newberg out and show him some love at:


Miss something on one of our episodes of the #naplescaptainslog? Don’t worry we got you covered! Here you will find a full transcript from this episode of the #naplescaptainslog!

Captain Brien: We are live. J Chris Newberg guys, what’s happening?

J Chris Newberg: This is the brand new theme song to your show.

Captain Brien: I’m ready. I’m gonna share it.

J Chris Newberg: Okay. Tell me when you want me to start.

Captain Brien: You can start.

J Chris Newberg: Okay. ♪ We’re down in Florida ♪ ♪ That’s in Florida ♪ ♪ We’re on a podcast ♪ ♪ In a car ♪ ♪ It’s a Captain’s Log ♪ ♪ And Brien will not drive unless I’m playing ♪ ♪ My guitar ♪

Captain Brien: We have to play the guitar.

J Chris Newberg: ♪ And if you doubt how much I die if we crashed ♪ ♪ You would not be wrong ♪ ♪ What’s up with that ♪ ♪ Get your vodka ♪ ♪ Get your comedy ♪ ♪ Get your early morning radio three stops before 8:00 a.m. ♪ ♪ Oh it’s 8:39 Captain’s Log ♪

Captain Brien: Thank you, that was off the cuff buddy. Here we go.

J Chris Newberg: I think people could tell.

Captain Brien: You think, you think?

J Chris Newberg: I think they could figure it out.

Captain Brien: You don’t think that was scripted.

J Chris Newberg: No, I think it was good.

Captain Brien: Appreciate you joining me man. It wasn’t really by choice. You just have to do radio and this is what we do for touring comedians, huh?

J Chris Newberg: This is the gig.

Captain Brien: And I get you in the car so I can ask you a bunch of good questions.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah, comedians with guitars getting driven.

Captain Brien: In the cars.

J Chris Newberg: In the cars.

Captain Brien: With guitars.

J Chris Newberg: With guitars.

Captain Brien: And you didn’t want a coffee this morning, huh? I asked you.

J Chris Newberg: I don’t drink coffee.

Captain Brien: I asked you if you want Dunkin’ Donuts, anything.

J Chris Newberg: Nope.

Captain Brien: Breakfast or nothing, you just go straight up.

J Chris Newberg: No I’m trying to starve myself for when I host Confetti on Wednesday.

Captain Brien: Oh okay, so is this a fast? That’s what they call it these days.

J Chris Newberg: Well no, I do the intermittent fasting. Yeah, twice a week.

Captain Brien: How does that work? Tell me what you do.

J Chris Newberg: Well you just, it’s 16 hours in between meals where all you’re allowed is water.

Captain Brien: Right.

J Chris Newberg: It’s not so hard.

Captain Brien: No it’s not that hard ’cause you do it at night. I do it actually.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah you go like, I’ll stop eating at like nine. And then I can eat at 1:00 p.m.

Captain Brien: Yeah, it’s not that hard.

J Chris Newberg: No and people are always so confused, they’re like, well they should call breakfast something ’cause you’re breaking a fast. I’m like, how ’bout breakfast?

Captain Brien: Yeah breakfast.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah, which is another thing. It’s just like, why don’t they have a magazine about making America great again called Magazine?

Captain Brien: Yeah, I get it.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah, that’s a thing, that’s a thing.

Captain Brien: That should be coming.

J Chris Newberg: Shout out to Carl Rimi.

Captain Brien: Carl Rimi, comedian extraordinaire, been on the show many times, my good buddy.

J Chris Newberg: Carl, I hope he didn’t make you play guitar.

Captain Brien: No, Carl doesn’t play the guitar. Carl likes to hit the gym, works out.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah, he knows about intermittent fasting.

Captain Brien: That’s right, that’s right he does, he does. So where are you coming in from?

J Chris Newberg: I was just in Los Angeles. And I flew to Florida, Flo-Rida, as the cool kids like to call it, by way of Atlanta.

Captain Brien:  Atlanta, the ATL.

J Chris Newberg: Yep, the ATL. Heard a really horrible conversation. I refer to myself as airplane Chris. When I get tired, I get irritated, like irritable. And I’m not even doin’ a bit. Like I just can’t not get annoyed out loud. And I’m a pretty calm person, but like if I haven’t slept in a bunch. There was this guy and he was hitting on this girl in front of me. You know, like when you’re in line on the jetway, and you’re just trying to get on the plane and it’s all bottlenecked and whatever. This guy’s in front of me and he’s like oh, there’s a Shake Shack here at the airport. Isn’t that weird? And she’s like, that is weird. He’s like I like Shake Shack shakes. He’s like, they’re good. She’s like, that is weird. He’s like, do you take Uber? And I was like, come on. What are you talking about?

Captain Brien: What are you doing? J Chris Newberg is our guest today on the Captain’s Log. Guys, you can find him @thechrisarmy right?

J Chris Newberg: @thechrisarmy. Shoutout to Brendan Mulvena.

Captain Brien: Yeah, Brendan Mulvena in the house watching the Captain’s Log here today. So Chris, this is what, is this your fifth or sixth time here?

J Chris Newberg: I think it’s more than that. I was two years prior to when the pipe burst in Marco Island at that house we stayed at.

Captain Brien: Oh wow, in the ceiling or whatever?

J Chris Newberg: Yeah.

Captain Brien: Yeah, and the whole ceiling fell.

J Chris Newberg: Whole ceiling fell. I was there two years before that.

Captain Brien: Wow, that was a while ago. My goodness. So you might even have been 10 times here.

J Chris Newberg: I think so, yeah.

Captain Brien: And have we ever done the Captain’s Log?

J Chris Newberg: No, this is the first time on the Log.

Captain Brien: This is the first time on the Log man. It’s because I was kinda lazy. I would only do it randomly. I should have done it all the time though.

J Chris Newberg: First off, you’ve never been lazy. Shout out to Vicki Baker.

Captain Brien: Hey Vicki.

J Chris Newberg: You’ve never been lazy. Every time I come in town you’re like, oh I got this new thing. I invented the straw, you know. Or like oh, have you thought about putting, you know, iPads on top of the roof of your car so that like planes can see. You’re a hustler.

Captain Brien: I know, I know. I’m always coming up with something. Imagine if I acted on everything that I thought of though.

J Chris Newberg: I mean, there’s time.

Captain Brien: There is, there is. I try to do as much as I can, but I can’t do it all. It’s the story of my life.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah, it’s crazy.

Captain Brien: One day, something’s gonna hit big though.

J Chris Newberg: Absolutely.

Captain Brien: It’s gonna hit big, big time.

J Chris Newberg: I believe in it.

Captain Brien: You know, I’m pushing this vodka right now.

J Chris Newberg: Oh that’s right you have vodka.

Captain Brien: Sugar free, gluten free.

J Chris Newberg: Sugar free, is it better? Or is it competitive with Tito’s?

Captain Brien: It is. It’s actually very similar because the style of distilling that Tito’s does, we do the same thing. Although, we’re 26 calories less than Tito’s. I don’t want to brag but.

J Chris Newberg: No, you don’t need to. It brags itself.

Captain Brien: It’s organic and it’s all Florida made.

J Chris Newberg: You’re using all the right buzzwords.

Captain Brien: We are, we are.

J Chris Newberg: Do you only use that vodka in your restaurant?

Captain Brien: I do, I do.

J Chris Newberg: So no one can, if I come in, I’m like, I’d like a Tito’s.

Captain Brien: We have Tito’s and we have well. But for the most part, everything is, all of our specialty drinks are Captain Briens. All my gin, my rum, my vodka, my dark rum. It’s all made like that.

J Chris Newberg: Do you have a to-go license? Can people buy it there?

Captain Brien: I sell it in almost 70 stores in Florida and I just broke out of maybe about 180 new stores that are signed to deal with. Can you play me a tune?

J Chris Newberg: Yeah absolutely.

Captain Brien: Dude, play me something that, I love some of the new stuff.

J Chris Newberg: Okay. You want me to leave the, do you want me to do.

Captain Brien: No, you can go full on baby, full on. This is the Log.

J Chris Newberg: It’s the log.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

J Chris Newberg: Okay, all right how ’bout this one. Okay, I’ll do the voicemail one that I just did.

Captain Brien: Oh I like that one.

J Chris Newberg: This should be everybody’s outgoing voicemail because everybody hates when people call them. ♪ Please don’t leave a message ♪ ♪ And I hate that you called ♪ ♪ If you leave a voicemail ♪ ♪ I’ll kick you in the balls ♪ ♪ Nevermind, just hang up ♪ ♪ I hate you now ♪ ♪ Please don’t leave a message ♪ ♪ Please don’t leave a message ♪ ♪ Please don’t leave a message ♪ ♪ Nevermind, I blocked you ♪ There you go, it’s short.

Captain Brien: People aren’t leaving messages anymore right? You call. If you do want to talk to ’em, you call. And then when the message comes on, you immediately hang up and you send ’em a text.

J Chris Newberg: It’s lazy.

Captain Brien: Isn’t that how it works?

J Chris Newberg: Yeah, why not just send ’em a text?

Captain Brien: I think because if you want to get something out right away and you’re driving, you call. Otherwise, I think you do send a text.

J Chris Newberg: I think that’s the way to go. I do a lot of the voice texting.

Captain Brien: I do the video. Like if I’m driving, I just put on record, send a video, like hey, this is me, this is what I want to tell you. And you are gonna click on this message and watch it.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah that’s great.

Captain Brien: That’s how I do it.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah I do it. It’s like it’s super old school and everything. But you know, it’s easier if I’m driving. Are you allowed to text in Florida?

Captain Brien: You are, but I put the phone right there, and I just hit play and record.

J Chris Newberg: That’s crazy.

Captain Brien: Boom and I just do it and talk.

J Chris Newberg: That’s nuts.

Captain Brien: It’s good though. I love the technology these days.

J Chris Newberg: Technology’s huge. Can you imagine when you were younger, when you were growing up and you were on the bike, or the scooter, or the skateboard? Side note, I think the hardest part about scooters is that people have to see you on them.

Captain Brien: Yeah, that’s the roughest.

J Chris Newberg: That’s the worst thing. When you were, you know, at your wee smallest, did you ever think, hey there’s gonna be a time in my life where I’m driving, I’m on the phone doing a podcast, pitching a vodka I’ve created, and then on my way to another radio station to promote so people come out to my restaurant comedy club and it’s all technology?

Captain Brien: No I did not ever think of those scenarios together.

J Chris Newberg: What was the dream? Like, what did you want to be?

Captain Brien: A chef.

J Chris Newberg: A chef.

Captain Brien: I wanted to be a chef and I wanted to have a restaurant. And I accomplished that pretty quick. I mean, when I was 23, I think I was 23 and I opened up my first restaurant in Marco Island. So that was done. The dream was met. And then it’s never stopped.

J Chris Newberg: Okay the brand new dream. So once you hit the goal, is it like Mr. Jones from Counting Crows? You’ve got all your dreams come true and then you hit a new.

Captain Brien: I like the struggle, yeah. I like the struggle of getting there. And then I kind of, I feel like the novelty wears off a little bit once it gets to the plateau of success. I want to go on to the next thing. But I always have to have a couple little irons in the fire at once. That keeps me goin’.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah I get bored. Like I mean, it’s not just music, or just standup, or just writing. If I’m on the road, I want to be on a show. If I’m on a show, I want to be on the road. I want to be writing. I want to do all that other stuff. So yeah.

Captain Brien: So your recently started a new podcast.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah, my podcast is fun. You guys should check it out, Heroin Has a Great Publicist. It’s about things that are fucked that people do anyway. And if anybody who is listening to this show or watching on my page, shout out to the addicts. What up kids, what up fam? It’s such a fun thing. It’s like, regardless of how many people are watching or listening, there’s something so powerful and honest about being able to do a podcast ’cause you’re just talking. Like the people who listen, whether it’s the seven now live, or 700, however many it is that it ends up being, they come to you. Maybe not all at once, but when they have time. It’s just like things you download. But they’re legit fans. And they want to be there. They want content.

Captain Brien: And they interact and they send you messages and it’s fun. It’s like a whole family. You call it The Chris Army.

J Chris Newberg: I do, I call The Chris Army.

Captain Brien: How’d you come up with that?

J Chris Newberg: I hated my last name. I don’t really hate it. But it’s like it’s not memorable because I have the pretentious first initial J, born James, go by Chris. So I was J Chris Newberg. Which arguably could be as Mellencamp popular if I became huge. But it’s not the most immediately memorable. You know, it’s like the Yngwie Malmsteen of like names. You know, Brien Spina, that’s sharp. Then you got the Captain. It’s there, you’re already there.

Captain Brien: It’s all three?

J Chris Newberg: Yes.

Captain Brien: I need something for my followers. I keep asking somebody to name the followers. What are they gonna be called?

J Chris Newberg: The little buddies.

Captain Brien: The little buddies.

J Chris Newberg: my God, that’s great. The little buddies.

Captain Brien: That’s what we should be?

J Chris Newberg: Yeah the little buddies.

Captain Brien: I like that.

J Chris Newberg: I’m a little buddy. Yeah, ’cause it’s full on Gilligan’s Island.

Captain Brien: Yeah, oh I get it. And so they’re all like little captains.

J Chris Newberg: They’re all little Gilligans. Oh you could call ’em Gilligans. No, I think little buddies.

Captain Brien: The little buddies is good, but I didn’t get it until you said it full on.

J Chris Newberg: But it’s catchy. Watch Captain’s Log. What’s up little buddies, huge.

Captain Brien: Yeah, it’s cute, it’s cute.

J Chris Newberg: My fans are junkies or addicts. Not legit, but that’s what they go by. And you know, it’s a thing. And then you get like, it’ll be like, it could be a hashtag. Watch Captain’s Log, #LB. You can have little buddy events.

Captain Brien: Little buddy events, I like this.

J Chris Newberg: Then soon you can get in with your little buddy card.

Captain Brien: Oh like a VIP buddy.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah, like if you want to come to the show and you want to buy a bottle of vodka, you get 10% off with your little buddy card.

Captain Brien: Yeah, that’s called the Captain’s Circle. I already have that.

J Chris Newberg: All right, well you know what, you need something.

Captain Brien: It’s an annual membership.

J Chris Newberg: It’s not gonna fly for the podcast.

Captain Brien: No, no.

J Chris Newberg:You’re not gonna be like, what up circlers? That not gonna work.

Captain Brien: What up roundabouts?

J Chris Newberg: Yeah roundabouts is good, roundabouts is good. That sounds very Beach Boys song.

Captain Brien: So what’s next for you man? You got this new Facebook show which is cool.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah I’m working on Confetti and that’s fun.

Captain Brien: Tell me the premises of the show because I wasn’t sure when you first said it. ‘Cause I’ve never seen it but I know it’s really popular. And I have to now watch it.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah, Confetti’s super popular. It’s a game show that you play on your phone. Your phone is your remote control. It’s touchscreen. Couldn’t be easier. It’s like a 20 minute show. You start off, host comes on, he tells jokes, he gives you shoutouts.

Captain Brien: So when the show, wait, when the show comes live, Facebook has something on your phone that they can touch?

J Chris Newberg: They send you a notification. They’re like hey, Confetti’s live. So you just click on the notification. It takes you to the Facebook page and you just hit play. So it’s not as simple as like an HQ as far as technology ’cause we don’t have our own separate app. There’s actually two steps. However, you know, you follow it and, you know, it gives you the notification, you click on it. Next thing you know you’re playing 10 pop culture trivia questions. Sometimes the shows are themed. Like we had a Star Wars episode the other day and a teacher’s episode yesterday.

Captain Brien: Was that for May the 4th be with you?

J Chris Newberg: It was.

Captain Brien: Ah, I took a good guess there.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah, absolutely. And you know, we get good numbers. And sometimes we’ll give away $50,000. Sometimes we’ll give away 15 and five usually. But it’s definitely, like tonight’s episode is 10,000.

Captain Brien: And you have like hundreds of thousands of people watch.

J Chris Newberg: We do not have that much. We have like around 30,000 per episode live. And then people who watch the show afterwards, it’s like three, 400,000. Yeah, but they can’t win if they’re not playing live.

Captain Brien: They have to play live to win.

J Chris Newberg: To win, yeah.

Captain Brien: So once they see the show though, I can imagine that they’re dying to play live the next time.

J Chris Newberg: Everybody gets hooked.

Captain Brien: Everybody, right.

J Chris Newberg: Yeah I mean it’s like it’s fun.

Captain Brien: This sounds awesome.

J Chris Newberg: It’s a more fun version of HQ.

Captain Brien: I do on Saturday morning, sometimes, I do barter with the captain. So they can barter with me anything they want. So if they want to get vodka, or tickets, or I have gift cards, or I even have like stuff laying around the house. They can barter with me like stuff that they have and I trade ’em out. And people like to do that.

J Chris Newberg: That’s awesome.

Captain Brien: It’s fun, I think that’s really, a lot of entertainment is gonna be coming this way I think.

J Chris Newberg: I mean I think, well there’s a new platform that’s hitting January 1st, 2020. It’s called Quibi. Quibi I want to say is Jeffrey Katzenberg’s new entertainment arm. And there’s over a billion dollars and it’s going to be basically an entertainment app on your phone. But you’re like, oh I don’t want another one. There’s too much stuff. There’s never too much stuff if the stuff that’s coming out is good.

Captain Brien: Correct.

J Chris Newberg: You know, you could have a show on Instagram Story. You could technically watch a Game of Thrones on Instagram Story if it were good enough.

Captain Brien: Correct.

J Chris Newberg: So Quibi’s coming out and it’s like they’re looking for content like crazy. What they’re doing is they’re slimming down different formats. They’re taking like, let’s say you say, like an at midnight show, which before was 24 minutes on Comedy Central. Now they’re gonna do a four minute version of Quibi so people can just watch it for four minutes, eat up the content, like it, go boom. And they’re gonna make just as much money off a billion views on a three minute clip as they’re going to on a 23 minute clip. And my theory for that is like the 5-hour Energy drink has ruined and recreated all content because people don’t have time anymore, or we convince ourselves that we don’t have time because we’re being showered with all of this content. And it’s like, so it’s like, if you say to somebody, oh watch this episode. How long is it is the first thing that they say.

Captain Brien: And then when they start watching, they like it. They like it, oh my God. This guy, what’s he doing? He’s like cuttin’ that guy off. They like it, but why do they immediately already start looking for other things.

J Chris Newberg: ‘Cause it’s habit.

Captain Brien: They go to their phone. They’re like oh I love this clip, watch this. And while you’re watching it, you ever have somebody already scroll to something else. I’m like you just told me to watch it. You can’t even stay on the phone. That’s what my kids do. That’s how they work, their generation.

J Chris Newberg: I think honestly, the most popular channel on Netflix is not watching Netflix, but scrolling looking for different things to watch and not clicking. We have such commitment issues caused by such overwhelming amounts of content.

Captain Brien: I agree, I agree. We’re in Estero, Florida now guys. We just left Fort Myers. We left 105.5 The Beat. We’re heading to 1039, Big Mama And The WiLD Bunch. And this is the Captain’s Log. I got J Chris Newberg performing live at Off The Hook Comedy Club tonight and tomorrow, two shows. It’s a pleasure to have you Chris.

J Chris Newberg: Thanks for having me.

Captain Brien: I love always talking to you. But more importantly, can we get out with a song. Can we crank it up buddy?

J Chris Newberg: Another one?

Captain Brien: This guy’s the best, yes.

J Chris Newberg: ♪ You should call your fans ♪ ♪ Little buddies ♪ that’s it.

Captain Brien: That’s it guys, the Captain’s Log. We’re live and we are out. Be good, we’ll be back tomorrow. Have a good day.

Episode 255 Allergy Awareness

Dr. Daller is back in the #naplescaptainslog to educate us on allergies! And Captain Brien tells us how he really feels about Soy!

Dr. Daller will be joining Captain Brien EVERY Tuesday at 2:30 on the Captains Log to answer any questions you may have! Make sure you tune in and comment with your questions!

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Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #naplescaptainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free and Gluten Free Vodka, Barrel Aged Dark Rum, White Rum, and Gin!

Check Dr. Daller out and show him some love at:


Miss something on one of our episodes of the #naplescaptainslog? Don’t worry we got you covered! Here you will find a full transcript from this episode of the #naplescaptainslog!

Captain Brien: Welcome back. On The Captain’s Log, Doctor Daller is back again. Tuesday, we’re here to talk about food allergies, which is also near and dear to my heart because I feel like I’m allergic to everything.

Dr. Daller: You know over the time people ask me, “How do you guys come up with those ideas?” of those topics that we come up with. So I give all the credit to Captain Brien. Captain Brien is really the producer of this show, and he is going online and looking at what people care about. What people ask Google. What people are looking at Facebook. What people are looking at Instagram. What people care about and what also affect us. I mean–

Captain Brien: Correct.

Dr. Daller: In this case, you know, food allergy–

Captain Brien: I just do this to make sure I get the best medical advice. That’s really all.

Dr. Daller: Free medical advice!

Captain Brien: Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Daller: So Captain Brien said, you know, I have food allergies. Can I say that to the audience?

Captain Brien: Yeah, yeah, no I have, good–

Dr. Daller: I have food allergies and, you know, I’m allergic to soy and and, you know, I have a special interest in that. So I did a lot of homework about it. I did a lot of research. I read a lot about food allergies and I wanted to deliver the best information to the audience.

Captain Brien: Good, I wanna hear it.

Captain Brien: Let’s hear it.

Dr. Daller: And, first of all, I want to tell the audience it’s extraordinarily common. That’s something I was surprised by because when we were kids, we didn’t hear about too many allergies. There was one kid that had a peanut allergy.

Captain Brien: Right

Dr. Daller: But today a lot of kids have peanut allergies. A lot of adults have different allergies from shellfish to fin fish, to pine nuts to regular nuts, to almonds. So it’s, to eggs, to milk.

Captain Brien: Yep.

Dr. Daller: So today we’re going to talk about what’s the difference between–

Captain Brien: Gluten! Everybody says they’re allergic to gluten.

Dr. Daller: Right to wheat specifically. So wheat overall they’re allergic to and some of them to gluten. So we’ll talk about some of the gluten issues. So gluten is not an allergy. It’s a big difference between allergic reaction–

Captain Brien: Correct

Dr. Daller: To intolerance.

Captain Brien: Because if you have an allergy, you have to be allergic to the protein, correct?

Dr. Daller: That’s correct. So but gluten itself is a–

Captain Brien: I know a little bit.

Dr. Daller: Look at that!

Captain Brien: This guy.

Dr. Daller: Look at that, Captain Brien is amazing. He is like an honorary doc. We should call him, hey doc!

Captain Brien: Hey!

Dr. Daller: And today we’ll talk about what’s the difference between intolerance. So, for example, there’s people that are saying, “Well, I can’t, I’m allergic to milk.” Are you lactose intolerant because you’re lacking an enzyme and you have a problem with that? Or you have a real allergic reaction, you get hives, you get diarrhea?

Captain Brien: In the milk, it’s the sugar that they can’t break down.

Dr. Daller: That’s correct.

Captain Brien: And the lactose–

Dr. Daller: For lactose intolerance, it’s the sugar that they cannot break down. So some people are truly allergic to cow’s milk and that’s a protein part.

Captain Brien: But not goat, right?

Dr. Daller: Not goat, that’s correct. How do you know this stuff?

Captain Brien: I know .

Dr. Daller: Captain Brien, I mean every time I’m amazed!

Captain Brien: See, I tell you what!

Dr. Daller: It’s unbelievable.

Captain Brien: And did you know that if you eat cheeses that are hard, dry aged, there’s no lactose in them.

Dr. Daller: That’s correct. That’s, I’m like, I’m impressed. I’m blown away.

Captain Brien: I’m here to impress you Doc.

Dr. Daller: I didn’t expect that at all. I mean I thought that you another comedian, but no. Scientific comedian.

Captain Brien: It’s not all good looks, you know what I mean?

Dr. Daller: That’s right, that’s right.

Captain Brien: Sometimes it’s a few brains mixed in.

Dr. Daller: So, Captain Brien. So people ask, you know, “How do you become allergic to a food, “to peanuts, for example, “or to shell fish or to anything else. “What’s the process?” How do you, do you know that or?

Captain Brien: I do not but I have a question, a follow up question for you.

Dr. Daller: Please, please.

Captain Brien: So, my question is, if you do have a peanut allergy,

Dr. Daller: Yes.

Captain Brien: Why couldn’t, over time, you can, you take a shot for peanuts and your body would not, would it not create–

Dr. Daller: Excellent, excellent, we’ll talk about that. We’ll talk about that.

Captain Brien: A tolerance for that?

Dr. Daller: We’ll talk about that. So, let’s start, I’ll answer that question quickly and then I’m going to expand a little bit more.

Captain Brien: Okay.

Dr. Daller: So when it comes to food allergies the only way out is to avoid that food. There’s no, unlike, you know, penicillin allergies that I can give you a little penicillin and you are going to develop tolerance to that.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Dr. Daller: With food allergy, if you are allergic to soy, you should avoid soy.

Captain Brien: I try, but it’s in everything.

Dr. Daller: It’s very difficult.

Captain Brien: So, why do the FDA let you put soy in every single product?

Dr. Daller: Because only very small percent of the population is allergic to soy. So how many people are allergic, overall, to really truthful–

Captain Brien: Is it the seventh most deadliest allergen on the market?

Dr. Daller: When you have a true allergy, it’s deadly. So 1%, if you are one of the 1%, you can die from an anaphylactic reaction and you’re dead. If you are not making it to the hospital or you don’t have something called an EpiPen, or you take quickly, Benadryl. I mean, you develop an anaphylactic reaction, your blood pressure plummets, your heart rate goes up, your throat, you cannot breathe, you have rash all over your body and you die.

Captain Brien: And they’re irreversible sometimes–

Dr. Daller: Deadly.

Dr. Daller: I mean when you cannot breath, there’s no oxygen, you’re dead.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Dr. Daller: So if you make it to the hospital or you have an EpiPen, sure. So a lot of those parents, you know, with kids, even with adults, they carry an EpiPen with them.

Captain Brien: Correct.

Dr. Daller: Okay.

Captain Brien: My daughter has one–

Dr. Daller: Or you carry some Benadryl.

Captain Brien: ‘Cause she’s allergic to ants.

Dr. Daller: Sure.

Captain Brien: One ant bite, blows up her whole body.

Dr. Daller: Sure, it’s a big deal. It’s a big deal. So how do you develop an allergy to a food. Captain Brien, for example, let’s use an example of an apple. Apple is not very common, not too many people are allergic to apple but when you take a bite of an apple, what happens? It goes into your mouth, it goes down your throat, it go to the digestive system. Your body decides whether it’s going to go and accept that.

Captain Brien: Right.

Dr. Daller: It’s going to give it a pass to absorb all the nutritions, all the chemicals, or whatever there is there that you are digesting. Or it is going to say, “Hey, this is a red alert. “We are not going to accept that. “This is going to be an allergen.” So the protein breakdown, in order to absorb them, the body is saying, “I’m going to accept that” or “I’m not going to accept that”. If it decide that something is not for you, that something is foreign, something is not acceptable, it will put a red tag on it and I don’t want to bore the audience but there is something called IgE-mediated and there are some cells in the body called mass cells.

Captain Brien: I’m going to call it a red tag cell.

Dr. Daller: The red tag cells. And inside that red tag cell there is something called histamine.

Captain Brien: Right.

Dr. Daller: And when those IgE binds on that mass cell they release histamine. You know, Benadryl is an anti-histamine. It blocks that histamine reaction. Same thing with epinephrin. You have a decrease of that histamine. Histamine is something that will give you the hives, will block your airways, will give you the heart rate that is going to go up, your blood pressure will go down. That’s what happens. That’s an anaphylactic reaction when your entire body, all the mass cells are producing. So this is deadly. People ask, you know, give us some example of true food allergies. So the most common true allergy, do you know what is the most common food allergy?

Captain Brien: Uh, dairy?

Dr. Daller: Shellfish.

Captain Brien: Shellfish, yes.

Dr. Daller: Shellfish is the most common but close enough.

Captain Brien: Okay.

Dr. Daller: That’s close enough, no it’s not. No, it’s not close enough but close enough, no. So shellfish is the most common. About 70% of people that have food allergy, which is about 15 million American. 1 in 15 American has some type of a true food allergy. So it’s extremely common. And we’ll talk later on why all of a sudden we’re in–

Captain Brien: I want to know, why?

Dr. Daller: Why.

Captain Brien: Why is there bigger and more allergies everyday?

Dr. Daller: And, you know, when you travel the world and you go to different places, you don’t see it. Today, I go to restaurants with my friend and everybody has a list of stuff to tell the chef, oh I can’t have those, don’t put me this, don’t put wheat and don’t put soy and don’t put that and don’t put that.

Captain Brien: You know what I think?

Dr. Daller: No.

Captain Brien: I think that, you know, you told me everybody has their own beliefs and their superstitions?

Dr. Daller: Right.

Captain Brien: And they know their own medical science?

Dr. Daller: Yeah.

Captain Brien: Mine is, is that, it’s because there’s soy in every single thing we eat that’s manufactured. Do you know why they put the soy in the manufacturing of most of the things?

Dr. Daller: No.

Captain Brien: Because the soy bean plant is so cheap to grow and it grows so fast, that there’s protein in the soy, right?

Dr. Daller: Right.

Captain Brien: Because it’s a bean.

Dr. Daller: Right.

Captain Brien: Right, so you get protein.

Captain Brien: So when you see a box of cookies, there is no protein in those cookies. Do you know how they get it? They put soybean oil in it.

Dr. Daller: Soy.

Captain Brien: To make the protein show on the back that there is some kind of protein for the FDA.

Dr. Daller: I see.

Captain Brien: Meanwhile, it’s killing everyone.

Dr. Daller: I see, that’s a very good hypothesis, that is not based–

Captain Brien: But it’s bullshit .

Dr. Daller: It’s not based on any science. I want the audience to understand. There is no–

Captain Brien: That’s exactly what I think, though.

Dr. Daller: There is no foundation whatsoever for what–

Captain Brien: Exactly.

Dr. Daller: Captain Brien said right now.

Captain Brien: Right .

Dr. Daller: But it sounds very intelligent.

Captain Brien: But it’s good.

Dr. Daller: It sounds very intelligent, has really no base in reality.

Captain Brien: But they do add the soy to bread, and everything else, to keep the ingredients soft.

Dr. Daller: So, I think–

Captain Brien: And it’s in all packaged and manufactured products.

Dr. Daller: I think you have some of the answers. Some of the answer is manufactured and packaged products.

Captain Brien: Yes.

Dr. Daller: So the idea here is processing. In the old days, a lot of people used to cook at home and even in restaurant it was fresh stuff. You know, you make salad, you cut the tomato, you do all this stuff.

Captain Brien: Correct.

Dr. Daller: Today it’s a lot of processed food because we want it to last a long time. The expiration on any box today is, like, 2027. I mean, stuff are going to survive, you know–

Captain Brien: Right, the apocalypse.

Dr. Daller: Nuclear bombs.

Dr. Daller: The apocalypse. I mean, when you have crazy stuff happening, nothing happen to these boxes. So I think it’s a lot of processing. I think it’s a lot in the environment. I think when you go travel the world, when you go to Greece for example, they make everything fresh–

Captain Brien: They have the Mediterranean diet.

Dr. Daller: The have Mediterranean diet.

Captain Brien: Everybody run to the Mediterranean.

Dr. Daller: And people and no don’t come with a list of stuff for the chef, I cannot eat this, I cannot have that, because you don’t see that, that much.

Captain Brien: But they also use 100% Olive Oil.

Dr. Daller: Yes.

Captain Brien: We can’t go and find Olive Oil in 90% of our foods.

Dr. Daller: That’s right.

Captain Brien: It’s all vegetable oil and the basis of the vegetable oil is soybeans.

Dr. Daller: That’s right.

Captain Brien: Again, because it’s cheap.

Dr. Daller: I know you are going back to soy and I know it’s very dear to you.

Captain Brien: I hate it!

Dr. Daller: But soy, I think, is part of the problem. I think, overall, the processing–

Captain Brien: Yes.

Dr. Daller: The fact that we are not using natural stuff is some of the problem. I mean, and again, we can go back. We did a show here, a podcast here, about plastic bottling and all the plastic stuff that we use.

Captain Brien: Right.

Dr. Daller: And BPA and all this stuff. It’s all related, it’s all connected somehow. Why do we have such an, why food allergies are now in the limelight? I think it’s environmental, some of it. I think some of it is genetic. I think some of it is lack of breastfeeding. You know, when a lot of the mothers now are working, they don’t have the time, it’s a big deal. So there are many, many. I don’t think they are going to do any studies because there is no money involved here.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Dr. Daller: Don’t you understand?

Captain Brien: You always go back to money.

Dr. Daller: Because, unfortunately, that’s how capitalism work. How you going to do a study without money? You cannot do a study. Nobody will sponsor a study,

Captain Brien: But what if they come out with a pill, like they do with the Benadryl?

Dr. Daller: So, unlike, unlike, you know–

Captain Brien: And lactose, there’s no money in the lactose pill. You could buy a hundred of ’em for twenty bucks.

Dr. Daller: Yes but that’s different. So lactose intolerance pills are different than allergic reaction to peanuts. So with allergic reaction to peanuts your only way out is to avoid peanuts. There’s no treatment, there’s no pill, there is nothing you can do. You have to avoid peanuts. You have to avoid, if you are allergic to cashews, you have to avoid cashews. If you are allergic to shellfish, you have to avoid shellfish. And now, some people say, well my allergic reaction is very mild, like–

Captain Brien: They say, if you are allergic to almonds, you’re allergic to what?

Dr. Daller: If you are allergic to almonds you are allergic to all tree nuts. So, you’re allergic to cashews–

Captain Brien: So what’s the closest, the next closest thing is poison ivy right?

Dr. Daller: Is that right?

Captain Brien: That’s what they say, it’s just one–

Dr. Daller: Captain Brien, I mean today you prove it.

Captain Brien: One degree off and we have poison ivy.

Dr. Daller: Is that right?

Captain Brien: And so you’re very highly allergic to poison ivy and almonds are very bad for you as well.

Dr. Daller: Okay.

Captain Brien: ‘Cause I’m allergic to poison ivy as well.

Dr. Daller: I didn’t know that.

Captain Brien: Like, really bad.

Dr. Daller: I didn’t know that. A human being are very, very closely related to rabbits but we are not rabbits.

Captain Brien: This is true.

Dr. Daller: We are not rabbits.

Captain Brien: This is true.

Dr. Daller: So, again, the only way is to avoid, avoid all these allergens.

Captain Brien: Hi, Amy, Kelsey, Danielle. What’s going on ladies? Doctor Daller’s giving me the inside scoop today. You can find Doctor Daller at Revitalize Lounge. He’s in Fort Myers. The guy, not only does he do men’s and women’s well-being, sexual health, but he just, basically, will give you a beautiful diet. His facility’s amazing, I come every Tuesday, we do this show. This is The Captain’s Log. How can they find ya on Instagram?

Dr. Daller: Daller MD.

Captain Brien: Daller.

Dr. Daller: @dallermd.

Captain Brien: Let’s spell Daller.

Dr. Daller: Daller. D-A-L-L-E-R-M-D.

Captain Brien: Yes.

Dr. Daller: And on Instagram, on Facebook. You know, follow me and well, whatever you guys need or follow Captain Brien–

Captain Brien: You can DM both of us or whatever.

Dr. Daller: Absolutely.

Captain Brien: We’ll get you your questions out. We’ll answer ’em on The Captain’s Log. We love to hear what you guys have to say but today, it’s all about allergies.

Dr. Daller: And, again, if you guys have any topics that you guys want to talk about. You know, something interesting, something that you think everybody, not something very specific just for you. Something that everybody, you know, wants to ask and they’re embarrassed, or they’re not embarrassed and they want to know more, please, let us know. We would love to talk about all these topics. I mean, that’s what we do. Captain Brien is delivering here content that is remarkable and free!

Captain Brien: And free, I don’t charge for this.

Dr. Daller: Unbelievable.

Captain Brien: Can’t beat that.

Dr. Daller: Unbelievable.

Captain Brien: They say nothing’s free except water and air.

Dr. Daller: That’s right.

Captain Brien: The Captain’s Log’s free.

Dr. Daller: That’s right.

Captain Brien: That’s amazing.

Dr. Daller: That’s right.

Captain Brien: All right.

Dr. Daller: That’s right.

Captain Brien: So we were moving along on the process of finding out how these allergies started. You’re saying, basically, the environment. You’re saying that, what?

Dr. Daller: So I’m saying, for example, if you go to China very few Chinese are allergic to peanuts. So, I looked why? The Chinese, they put peanuts on everything.

Captain Brien: Everything.

Dr. Daller: Everything is peanuts.

Dr. Daller: So I did some research and I realized that the Chinese, they either deep fry their peanuts or they boil their peanuts. We dry fry them, so it–

Captain Brien: And what does that do? That breaks down the protein.

Dr. Daller: That, what?–

Captain Brien: Hey!

Dr. Daller: Captain Brien!

Captain Brien: So when you cook this–

Dr. Daller: The nature, the nature, the protein, break down the protein so when you cook it in the water, or anything like that, the protein go away. Some of them are denatured. There’s less allergens in them.

Captain Brien: And did you know that 100% of the oil that Chick-fil-A uses was peanut oil?

Dr. Daller: I didn’t know that.

Captain Brien: And so everyone that eats Chick-fil-A, they don’t die of peanuts, right?

Dr. Daller: Right.

Captain Brien: You know?

Dr. Daller: Because it’s deep fried there.

Captain Brien: Yeah, because they heat the peanut oil.

Dr. Daller: Yeah.

Captain Brien: It’s reyhydronated as well, right?

Dr. Daller: Yeah.

Captain Brien: So they take out the protein.

Dr. Daller: Amazing, I didn’t know that.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Dr. Daller: Who else uses peanut oil, the burger place?

Captain Brien: Five Guys.

Dr. Daller: Five Guys.

Dr. Daller: The burger place.

Captain Brien: They use it.

Captain Brien: Five Guys and Chick-fil-A. And a little bit of knowledge is that Chick-fil-A went into panic mode when Five Guys started expanding and they said, hey, we’re going to figure out a different way to fry our stuff because if Five Guys is starting to use all of the peanut oil, it’s gonna to drive the price way up and we may have to look at something else.

Dr. Daller: Wow, I didn’t know that.

Captain Brien: Well a little bit of something, little bit of knowledge, see Doc.

Dr. Daller: That’s amazing, amazing. Normally, they say a little bit of knowledge is dangerous. Not in Captain Brien case.

Captain Brien: Yeah, yeah.

Captain Brien: I learned that at the Five Guys plant with the owner.

Dr. Daller: Really?

Captain Brien: Yeah, like I took the actual, like, I went to–

Dr. Daller: Where is it, where is the place?

Captain Brien:Um, we went to Washington in DC.

Dr. Daller: Yeah, wow, wow

Captain Brien: I took the whole three day course on how to open up a Five Guys and that’s one of the things they tell you. They were working on that as we speak, as the class was going on, is what they were doing was they were negotiating international pricing on peanut oils.

Dr. Daller: So, I let you into a secret. From time to time, I do go to Five Guys but don’t tell anybody.

Captain Brien: I used to love Five Guys.

Dr. Daller: Oh, it’s on live! It’s live on Facebook.

Captain Brien: So while we’re talking about Five Guys, we did a little study recently, me and my son.

Dr. Daller: Yeah.

Captain Brien: Because I like to have a big, thick burger.

Dr. Daller: Yeah.

Captain Brien: So I said what’s better? The triple, you know, you can get three?

Dr. Daller: Yeah, yeah.

Captain Brien: Not two.

Dr. Daller: Yeah.

Captain Brien: The standard is two, right?

Dr. Daller: Yeah.

Captain Brien: I said, “What’s better? “Maybe a triple or should I get two singles?” ‘Cause one doesn’t fill me up.

Dr. Daller: Right.

Captain Brien: So, I have to have two burgers at least or the triple. So, I did the triple and the ratio of meat to burger?

Dr. Daller: Yeah.

Captain Brien: Not as good as a single, as two singles.

Dr. Daller: Yeah.

Captain Brien: I prefer the two singles.

Dr. Daller: I agree with that. So I did, we went last week to Jimmy P’s.

Captain Brien: Oh yeah?

Dr. Daller: And I did the double. And I didn’t enjoy it as much as the single and I said next time I’m going to have two singles. And it’s funny.

Captain Brien: That’s true.

Dr. Daller: Yeah, it’s like–

Captain Brien: And then you gotta do extra cheese. I gotta have a cheese, like, cheese to beef ratio has to be proper, too.

Dr. Daller: Yeah.

Captain Brien: I’m very particular.

Dr. Daller: So if you eat a burger, eat a good burger.

Captain Brien: Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. Daller: And so that’s the point, I mean go, if you are —

Captain Brien: Because you can eat a cheap burger and it’s loaded with soy.

Dr. Daller: Correct.

Captain Brien: They use the soy protein.

Dr. Daller: Right.

Captain Brien: And it’s much cheaper than having actual protein from beef. So they add the soy to that and you’re getting garbage.

Dr. Daller: Yeah.

Captain Brien: You’re not getting meat.

Dr. Daller: Yeah.

Captain Brien: Absolutely.

Captain Brien: You’re getting chemicals.

Dr. Daller: So, yeah, so I love it. I enjoy Jimmy P’s. I enjoy, you know, Five Guys from time to time. Why not? We live only once.

Captain Brien: That’s right, you have to.

Dr. Daller: You have to enjoy that.

Captain Brien: And what did you do with the side orders at Jimmy P’s?

Dr. Daller: I had the sweet potato fries and–

Captain Brien: You went all in, Doc.

Dr. Daller: I went but, you know, when you go, when you have bacon.

Captain Brien: A cheat day?

Dr. Daller: You have to have drool. You have to drool when you eat it. If you go crazy, go all the way.

Captain Brien: Yeah.

Dr. Daller: Either don’t do it because it’s a waste.

Captain Brien: You get those calories.

Dr. Daller: No matter what.

Captain Brien: An extra thousand calories ain’t gonna kill ya.

Dr. Daller: No–

Captain Brien: After you go over the 800 meal calorie count.

Dr. Daller: But enjoy it. Have a great burger.

Captain Brien: You better just enjoy it.

Dr. Daller: Why not? Why not?

Captain Brien: I agree with that, I agree with that.

Dr. Daller: Absolutely.

Captain Brien: So, what is… right now, the FDA doing about all these food allergies? Is there something that’s going on?

Dr. Daller: You know, honestly, they’re not doing much. The government, in every country. So I looked at not just FDA. I looked at the UK, what they’re doing. What they’re doing everywhere. So food allergies are on the rise. A lot of people have problems, like, people are dying from food allergies.

Captain Brien: Correct, yeah.

Dr. Daller: I mean, this is serious, this is very serious. 1% of people with food allergies, there is a chance, and a lot of people say, you know, I have mild food allergy. So if you have a food allergy sometime it can manifest itself as mild and the next time you can have an anaphylactic reaction. You can have–

Captain Brien: Really?

Dr. Daller: Yes.

Captain Brien: I challenge it everyday and I’m like, ah, I’m gonna eat that and I’m gonna probably end up taking a Benadryl.

Dr. Daller: And you shouldn’t.

Captain Brien: I should not.

Dr. Daller: You should not.

Dr. Daller: Why, what for, what’s the purpose of that? I mean, if you told me–

Captain Brien: ‘Cause I’m a glutton for punishment. I like good stuff.

Dr. Daller: I think Captain Brien lived in biblical times. So no need, you can really cut off that part of your life. This is not an essential stuff that you’re saying, you know what, I cannot live without. And, you know, just think about it if you had true allergies to cow milk or true allergy to eggs, that’s a big deal. It’s much more common, much more you see than everything.

Captain Brien: Oh you think there’s more eggs than soy?

Dr. Daller: What do you think?

Captain Brien: No.

Dr. Daller: I think–

Captain Brien: Did you know even gum has soy in it? What kind of milk is in there?

Dr. Daller: Yeah, that’s true.

Captain Brien: Soy is in everything. Everything, it drives me crazy.

Dr. Daller: You know, it’s like when you come close to something, you realize it’s everywhere.

Captain Brien: You can’t have the salad dressing. You can’t eat anything. I could keep going. You can’t eat any desserts.

Dr. Daller: Olive oil.

Captain Brien: You can’t have cakes.

Dr. Daller: I mean, you should not have salad dressing anyways.

Captain Brien: You can’t have a cookie. You can’t have chocolate.

Dr. Daller: Olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper. There’s no soy in any one of these. This should be your salad dressing.

Captain Brien: Yeah, it’s true.

Dr. Daller: You should not use none of these stuff.

Captain Brien: That’s true.

Captain Brien: That I agree with.

Dr. Daller: You know, the processed. You know, the processing is key. Avoid the processing. If you do it clean, there’s no problem whatsoever.

Captain Brien: Well guys, we brought you The Captain’s Log. I got Doctor Daller, once again, with all the knowledge for you guys. Free of charge, how can you go wrong? Say hello anytime, drop a message and thanks for watching The Captain’s Log. We’ll be back tomorrow with J Chris Newberg and then, I’ll be live, and we’re doing the man panel on Thursday.

Dr. Daller: Oh, fantastic!

Dr. Daller: Fantastic, that’s gonna be fun.

Captain Brien: And we’re bring Josh Pray.

Dr. Daller: Okay.

Captain Brien: That’ll be excellent on Thursday. And then, on Friday, I have Ahmed Ahmed. And we’re gonna wrap it up, that’s the week guys. This is the man, Captain Brien, we’re gonna see you on the man panel. We’re gonna see you live, tomorrow. We’re having a good time. Doctor Daller and I, we’re out.

Dr. Daller: Bye bye, take care.

Captain Brien: See ya.

Episode 254 Show Me The Money

Actor and Comedian Jay Mohr shows some skin on this episode of the #naplescaptainslog! Ladies don’t miss this episode! They also discuss how Jay became a wrestling coach, a life coach, and make a fishing wager!

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Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #naplescaptainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free and Gluten Free Vodka, Barrel Aged Dark Rum, White Rum, and Gin!

Check Jay Mohr out and show them some love at:

Episode 253 Krazy Krops

Mila Bazley, the founder of Krazy Krops Produce joins Captain Brien to discuss how she started the first ugly produce home delivery service in Naples, Florida!

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Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #naplescaptainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free and Gluten Free Vodka, Barrel Aged Dark Rum, White Rum, and Gin!

Check Mila Bazley and KrazyKrops Produce out and show them some love at:

Episode 252 Joselito Da Puppet!!

We have a first on the #naplescaptainslog today! Our first puppet, Joselito Da Puppet, makes his debut appearance! Joselito teaches Captain Brien some spanish lingo, discusses his upcoming tour, and his Puerto Rican heritage!

Siri can now help you listen to your favorite podcasts! Say things like “play The Captains Log” or “play my newest podcasts.” You can also ask Siri about the podcast that is currently playing and request to be subscribed! Just tell Siri “subscribe to this show!”

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Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #naplescaptainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free and Gluten Free Vodka, Barrel Aged Dark Rum, White Rum, and Gin!

Check Joselito Da Puppet out and show him some love at:

Episode 251 Dr. Daller on the Measles Outbreak

Dr. Daller is back again on the #naplescaptainslog to discuss the trending topic of the measles outbreak. What exactly are the measles? How to prevent the measles? And the current outbreak in today’s world! Tune in to to have all your questions answered!

Dr. Daller will be joining Captain Brien EVERY Tuesday at 2:30 on the Captains Log to answer any questions you may have! Make sure you tune in and comment with your questions!

Siri can now help you listen to your favorite podcasts! Say things like “play The Captains Log” or “play my newest podcasts.” You can also ask Siri about the podcast that is currently playing and request to be subscribed! Just tell Siri “subscribe to this show!”

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Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #naplescaptainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free and Gluten Free Vodka, Barrel Aged Dark Rum, White Rum, and Gin!

Check Dr. Daller out and show him some love at:

Episode 250 Lights for Layla

Lights for Layla founder Jade Morton joins Captain Brien to discuss her upcoming fundraiser. The event will take place on April 27, 2019 at Dixie Roundhouse in Cape Coral, Florida from 4 PM – 7 PM. A $5 donation will go to providing safer school bus stops for kids!

Rest In Peace to Layla Aiken. Thoughts and prayers with Layla’s family during this difficult time. Please get out and help donate to this amazing cause!

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Siri can now help you listen to your favorite podcasts! Say things like “play The Captains Log” or “play my newest podcasts.” You can also ask Siri about the podcast that is currently playing and request to be subscribed! Just tell Siri “subscribe to this show!”

Funny jokes and notes from a day and the life Off the hook Comedy Club. Off the hook comedy club post on twitter daily follow us #naplescaptainslog for the latest info.

The captain’s log is officially sponsored by Captain Brien Spirits maker of Captain Brien Sugar Free and Gluten Free Vodka, Sugar Free and Glutent Free Gin, and Barrel Aged Dark Rum and White Rum!

Find out more about Lights for Layla here: